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2011년 02월 14일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
107.5 kg 19.1 kg 17.2 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.5 kg 감소하기

2011년 02월 11일

It happened again this week. I wrote a couple journals early in the week, but then I only left some comments, and a couple post replies, one of them was actually kind of long. Part of it was being busy, but part of it was trying to wrap my head around what happened on Tuesday in the Coffee forum. I am not easily offended (and I personally wasn’t then either), I was just put off and now I want to get my thoughts down in my own journal, where the only rules are those formed by my own moral compass.

[Begin Rant] Don’t get me wrong, I know I sometimes can come off as a Know-it-all. But all of my post replies and journal comments are rooted in personal experience. My Webernet buddies seem to appreciate any input, based on the reaction. If I don’t feel I can add something to a conversation, I typically don’t say or write anything. For instance, you will be hard pressed to find any comments of mine relating to sports bras or TOMs (in the parlance of our times).

I realize that however useful this tool is, it is a free and public Internet site and should be viewed with some skepticism, regardless of the purpose, but what kind of sadist would intentionally sabotage someone who is trying to improving themselves?

In one of the “I need help” forums yesterday, I said we should own our diets in a permanent fashion (as opposed to being On a Diet or Dieting, both temporary concepts to me). At the same time, I don't think we should be so tunnel-visioned, possessive, and paranoid about our methodology that we cannot take experiences from other theories for what they’re worth? I’m all for respecting others methods, but that doesn’t mean that one way is all good and any other way is all bad. The respect needs to go both ways. I guess I missed the day when political correctness invaded the Web. [End Rant]

In conclusion of my rant, and of the football season that just ended with a Packer win, I’ll leave you with this from Vince Lombardi:

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”

2011년 02월 8일

Good Morning All-

I hope everyone had as a pleasant of an evening last night as I. I got home at a reasonable time and I was able to work out. Wow, is that refreshing. I also added some calisthenics last night and this morning. The meal I was so excited to make last night (Creamy Tomato, Shrimp and Poblano Pasta from Kraft Foods)? I won’t say it was disappointing, but...well...something was missing. I added some garlic powder and onion to make a little more palatable to me.

I think I’ve isolated the main issue: I’m not particularly fond of green bell peppers. It seemed that Poblano peppers (mildly hot) turn into bell pepper when the seeds are removed and/or cooked. I still have three more servings (brought one to work for lunch) and I refuse to waste 3/4 pounds of shrimp, which my wife doesn’t like. Be that as it may, I’ll probably try it again, but with red bells (which I like) and crushed red hot pepper.

Anyhow, if that’s what I have to complain about, then we all should be so lucky...I apologize for being somewhat of a downer lately, but here’s to a positive Tuesday **raising my can of Polar Seltzer**. Salut!!!

Ciao, All!!

2011년 02월 7일

While I've left a comment or two on other journals, I haven't journalized much myself over the last 4-5 days. I guess it is a combination of being busy and being too far towards one of the poles. I hope I’m allowed a rant because I’m taking one…

It's a vicious cycle because when I've felt like this during my journey previously, I’d make it point to work out. It seemed I got home late every night last week and if I did a normal worked out, I would have dinner late, and then immediately go to bed. I don't like to eat immediately before bed. Not because I follow any hard and fast rule, but because I don't like the way it feels. So I didn't work out and my anxiety built upon itself.

I really thought I had a bad week, but the scale tells a different story. The only real extra exercise I got was shoveling snow and ice chopping on Tuesday and Wednesday. I guess I get credit for the walking I did shopping for rock salt on Friday and groceries on Saturday, but still. By the way, just so you know how crappy the winter has been in Southern New England: NO ONE had rock salt on the Berlin Turnpike. Say nothing of the Home Depot that was closed due to its compromised flat roof. (Babs and anyone else in CT take note :) ). Also I feel like I went a little overboard on my flex day this weekend as well as having had a few more empty caloric experiences with my old acquaintances The Captain (Morgan) and Johnny (Walker..Red) throughout the week. I'm down 5 pounds, but in my heart of hearts, I think it is a phantom 5; like water weight you lose the first week or so out of the gate.

On the plus side, my wife and I found more recipes that…well they are not on the same level as pizza in the Pantheon of “Foods I Could Have at Every Meal”…But they are certainly working their way into a rotation a notch below. I mentioned before that I want to the grocery store (Oh, remind me never to volunteer to for grocery store duty again…on Saturday Morning…when half the parking spots are taken by snow). It strikes me as really strange how my wife’s and my tastes have changed once we began eating healthier. Not only did I spend 20 minutes in the produce section, but I bought 4 different varieties of peppers!!! Also the only reason why I went into the stacks was for canned peaches and a small can of tomato sauce. We eat very little processed or pre-prepared foods anymore. In fact I have frozen tailgate food that may very well go unconsumed until September.
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
108.0 kg 18.6 kg 17.7 kg 합리적
   (10개의 댓글) 주 2.3 kg 감소하기

2011년 02월 1일

Good Morning, everyone.

Well, Old Man Winter is pounding the North East again (apparently most of the Lower 48 as well.). I heard something funny on local sports radio this morning. Apparently DFW closed due to ice. They were wondering if the NFL regrets planning the 2014 Super Bowl to be played in Meadowland Stadium in North Jersey.

Last night was a good night except I did not get enough exercise. I went to Sam's Club and Stop & Shop (they don't sell wheat pasta at my Sam's) and I got home a little later than I wanted to. On the plus side, I made Salmon and Asparagus Pasta, which was phenominal. My wife is out of town again so I had the run of the TV too. I watched a Red Sox Town Hall show last night, which gave me hope. Spring is coming, I promise. At least that is what the voices in my head tell me.

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