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2011년 02월 28일

I had a good weekend, not because I was super rigid in my consumption (which I wasn't at all), but because I feel my weight regulated. I was getting as low as 229-228 toward the end of last week, but it didn't feel natural. I can't explain it any better than that. The needle was back above 230 this morning for my official weigh in, but I feel a lot better than I did on Friday.

I haven't been eating well on Sundays the past few weeks and I need to get back to my Sunday Detoxes. I think part of the issue is my wife has been leaving for business each Monday for the last month or so, and a wee bit of depression sets in for both of us, leading to not so great consumption decisions. Don't get me wrong, I'm as independent as the next guy and the alone time was great the first week or so, but this is going on 5 or 6 weeks (I honestly lost count). On the bright side, her traveling gives me the opportunity to make all these spicy dishes and/or those with shellfish that she less than prefers.

Anyhow, I made a Mediteranean Shrimp Skillet dish out of Taste of Home on Saturday. It has shrimp in it so naturally my wife didn't have any, which happily leaves me with 3 more servings as left overs. Yesterday, I planned on making food for the week yesterday, but my day was actually centered around the UConn game. I made a batch of beef jerky and I also made more Sesame Noodles but with chicken. To me, this dish tastes 100x better than picking from Group A or B. I had planned to make habanero meat sauce for lunch, but I didn't get the chance, so I'll make it tonight.

Well that's the news from Southern New England. Take Care everyone.
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
105.2 kg 21.3 kg 15.0 kg 합리적
   (6개의 댓글) 주 1.4 kg 감소하기

2011년 02월 25일

Good Friday Morning!!!!

It's been a fairly good week so far. I'm loving where the needle is on my scale. I don't reasonably expect it to stay there through the weekend but we'll see.

I did another 40 minutes on the bike for the third night in a row. I tried to push myself on one of the higher tension intervals. HOLY COW!!! I got my heart rate up to 170 (which is approaching the max for a 34 year old male)!!! I sure did feel it in my legs though. Unfortunately, I also felt it in my reconstructed knee a while later. I had surgery a while ago but I still have slight tears in 2 meniscii, so my knee clicks every now and again. I didn't even waste my time tuning on the PS3 because the UConn Men were playing. Decent game, but the Good guys came out on the short end of the stick after OT. Their 7 freshman may be hitting the Wall. Basketball Note #2: I don't know yet how I feel about the Celtics trading Kendrick Perkins. I still feel like they would have won the NBA Finals last year if he didn't get hurt. I'll stew on that a little, but Dsy's Bulls' chance of coming out the East may have gotten better...

My wife came home last night after being away on business all week and made the new WW beef stir-fry. I had her taste Kate's soup, but she wasn't a huge fan of how spicy I made it. That just means more for me!!!!! That wasn't my goal, but it's not a bad result...

I shoulda used the Bill and Ted's quote today, but I didn't think I was going to write a Journal. I need to dig deep into my movie bank...

"A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish."-Ty Webb

2011년 02월 24일

Good Morning everyone. Looks like we had some fireworks toward the end of the work day yesterday. I gotta tell ya, I was enjoying myself until it turned really nasty. I hope that thread gets back on point, and I hope the OP gets out of it what she (assumption) was looking for...

I went on a rant a couple weeks ago, so I'm not going to rehash what I said back then (Ref: 2/11 Journal Entry)...BUT COME ON PEOPLE!! We are all on the same team here, aren't we? I thought we agree back then that there is no one-size-fits-all path and there is certainly no defined finishline? Okay screw it. Onward and upward...

I had a great night last night. I got home a little after 6:30 and did 10.8 miles on my recumbant Schwinn, supposedly wasting time doing my interval cardio workout (okay, I'll stop now...) I started up the PS3 but I ended up just flipping channels (John Stewart rerun, Libya coverage, and Jeppardy. Openning Day can't get here fast enough). I said in yesterday's journal that I, a devout carnivour, was going to make Kate's Spicy Vegan Lentil Soup. Two words: OUTRAGEOUSLY GOOD!!!! I was apprehensive because soup is not my specialty. Also I put in 3 habeneros (albeit seeded), but when I tasted it?...Oh yeah, that's a winner!!! One of my best friends growing up is from India and his family used to make something tasting similar. The only other enhancement I can think of would be a piece of naan (middle eastern/Indian bread, similar to pita). I also added a slice of provolone to up the calories.

So as we get closer to the weekend..."Be excellent to each other...and...PARTY ON, DUDE!!!!" Honest Abe, San Dimas, CA, 1989.

2011년 02월 23일

Hi Folks!! Hey what happened to the 50 degree weather we had last week? I know it’s only February but don’t tease me like that!! There is some weather coming Friday, but it’s supposed to be mostly rain. Re-commence flooding. Workout-wise, it does not affect me. I do my 10.5 miles on a bike in front of my PS3. State-of-mind-wise, I’d like the snow to melt so I can clean up my front yard. A couple weeks ago they came by with a front end loader and pushed the snow banks back off the road, which was good because only one car could basically fit driving down the street at that time. What is not good is all the salt and dirt that was once on my curb is now 10 feet into my yard. Spring clean-up is going to be a hoot!!!!

I’ve improved food-wise over last week, but I did a lot of damage from Friday to Sunday. I’m planning for a better weekend this time around, but we'll see. Last night I augmented an Allrecipes dot com Sesame Noodle dish with wheat pasta and by added shrimp and mushrooms, basically a homemade shrimp lo mien. It was fantastic and I brought leftovers for lunch. I am finding that a lot of recipes (including those on Fat Secret) have doubled the oil than is really needed, especially if it is only for sauté or flash frying. Tonight I am trying K8tk’s Spicy Lentil Soup. I have shied away from homemade soups ever since my wife tried to make a fish chowder about 5 years ago (way to thin). But people seem to be raving about it, so what the heck. It seems a little light for a full meal, but there is nothing in my rules saying I have to keep it vegan.

After two weeks of losing 3 lbs combined, I was very happy with where the needle was this morning. Now I have to keep it at that level. I’m pretty sure it was not water weight either because I did my monitoring weigh in before I was full clothed or visiting my “home office”.

Almost lunchtime so I bid my Journal ado (for the time being) with this:
Things could be worse. Suppose your errors were counted and published every day, like those of a baseball player. ~Author Unknown

2011년 02월 22일

Good Morning Buddies and enveryone else on FS.

The weekend was decent, but it appears that Winter has returned to Southern New England. I was watching a Red Sox Spring Training show Sunday Morning and my wife asked why we've never been to Florida for Spring Training. When I told her that I had been (March 2003, Reds at Red Sox. I saw Ken Griffey Jr., Pedro, Manny, and Nomar on the same field, and my ticket was only $15.), she actually got sad because I didn't take her. Say nothing of the fact that WE HADN'T MET YET (Let alone started dating)!!! Also this is her busy time of year where she's always traveling.

My rate of loss has slowed dramatically (22# in Dec., 14# in Jan., only 8# so far in Feb.). I think it had something to do with being really overweight to begin with. and As my body gets closer to a more natural size, the harder it is to lose. That may be why the last 10 pounds are the hardest.

I now (officially as of yesterday morning) have those last 10 to go until my first goal. I didn't do myself any favors over the weekend. I still lost a couple pounds but it certainly has more to do with the work I put in during the weekdays. The weekend is over and done with, and I can focus on another productive week, weight and otherwise.

Have a great day everyone and I'll talk to you soon.

"That's the true harbinger of spring, not crocuses or swallows returning to Capistrano, but the sound of a bat on a ball." ~Bill Veeck, 1976

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