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2010년 08월 7일

New day new developments. Got up today. Mind you that was the greatest thing that I could do is get out of bed. There have been many many weekends that I stayed in bed the whole weekend minus bathroom and kitchen time. Now when I say I got up it was about 11 am. I work seconds so that is my normal schedule. So while I was making breakfast just after the wife and kid left to get school items (free from a community outreach place) I heard a knock on the door. Well let me tell you that this is surprising. The only people that knock on the door here are soliciting stuff. Friends actually call ahead or we meet then somewhere. So I walk out (thank god I was clothed). I find the guy that lives behind me. Now if you have been reading my journal (thanks BTW) you will remember my neighbor that I use to work with. Well this guy brought someone with him and he wanted me to share with her my weight loss story thus far. So after talking for a while we agreed to start meeting once a week and talk about our progress. So this is actually turning into a self started support group for our community. I spoke with him later today and he already has another person that wants to come. There is some assistance I would like from my FS buddies. If anyone has some experience with groups like this please share. Also we need a name and a flyer to hang up in town. I have had one response (thanks Les) however more input would be welcome.

On a activity note. I was able to get out and ride tonight. My daughter and I rode for 3.27 miles and took about 34min. There was 2 rest times during the trip. We rode to the school and found my neighbor shooting hoops. We asked him if we could join. Now mind you I haven't played any kind of basketball in years but I was able to put some shots up. It soon started to be about my daughter trying to make a basket. She is 8 and 58in tall. We were shooting at a 10 foot regulation hoop with a regulation ball. She kept trying and with some pointers from my neighbor and encouragement from me she was able to sink 2 (count it 2) shoots in a row. Being 8 years old, just going into the 3rd grade and being able to sink a ball on a 10 foot hoop. That is just amazing to me. I'm such a proud papa today.

I was also able to get some more house work done. This is a big deal in our home. If you ever seen hording on TV well I'm ashamed to say that our house was starting to look like some of the homes on that show. Maybe not to the extreme but if nothing was done it would be in a couple years. So I'm busting my butt to try and do as much as I can when I can. I'm taking thinks a bit at a time but I will get there.

I forgot to include this in the prior bike story. So on our way back home from the school. We were riding our bikes and my right foot felt funny when pedaling. Kinda like when a circle is not a circle anymore. Then I felt the pedal hit the frame. So I just kept riding until we reached the main road. When I got there the whole pedal arm including pedal fell off the bike. So I'm thinking that my fat ass broke the bike. I had to walk it home. Fortunately it was only a few blocks. When I got it in the garage I found that the nut holding the arm on had worked itself off which caused the pedal arm to fall off. I think it is completely fixable however I will have to make a visit to the hardware store and try to find a new nut that will fit. Luckily the hardware store is 3 blocks from my house. At this point I really can't afford to buy a new bike and if it is out of commission I will probably have to go back to walking. My daughter just started riding sans training wheels so I really want to be out there with her on a bike.

I know I have been writing long journals lately. I am finding it very therapeutic. Its nice to think back on the completed day and reflect what you did and learned for that day. I know that Les (Kingcole35) started putting a list of things he learned for the day in his journal. Now I understand why. So with out further ado.

Things I learned for the day:
1. Children can blow your mind. I mean 10 foot shot by a 58in girl. Who knew.
2. Bikes can break just to break. It doesn't mean that it was do to your big butt.
3. Cleaning can bring a smile to your face.
4. Seemingly fair weather friends can turn out to be the best people in the world (there is a story here but I will save it for another day).
5. You never know what is hiding in your back yard until you put yourself out there.



2010년 08월 7일

I'm PISSED OFF!!!!!. I can't help but have very mixed feelings every time I see a weight loss story on TV. Yea it is great that the lap band helped you loss 100 pounds, but would you please put down that f'in cookie and pick up a apple. Or better yet why would a person that needs to loose 100 pound need a fricken lap band? That same person convinced her parents to pay for a full body tuck to get rid of the extra skin, then in the next scene she was pounding down cake. WTF!!! Then of course I'm worried about all the extra skin I will have when I get down to my idea weight (whatever the heck that may be????). So I make a comment to my wife and she fricken snaps back at me stating "where the hell do you think its (extra skin) gonna go". AAAARRRGGGG!!!

So the next story was about a lady that went from overeating to eating six meals a day then became a gym rat. She would work out 2 hours a day. Now that is better then depending on surgery because you kinda have to learn to eat healthy but I make the comment that you don't have to go to the gym everyday and my wife snaps back again stating "that's what she wants to do". Yea everyone has to develop what works for them to make the lifestyle change. I get that. But my comments were to try to help convince my wife (who is 5'7" and 381LBS) that there is more than running off to the gym to loose weight.

Okay so this rant is two fold:
Why do they have to show people loosing weight the wrong way? Why can't my lovely dear wife jump on the band wagon with me?

I swear that sometimes I get so frustrated for what may be the wrong reasons. Even though I have the best intentions. Sometimes I catch myself looking at someone having lunch at work and say. Man she/he needs to put down that ______ (insert horrible food to eat). Then I try to remember all the crap that I use to eat for lunch and I'm sure there were plenty of people saying to them selves the same thing I just thought about that person when they saw me. I don't want to be two faced when it comes to this stuff. I would love to see everyone come to weight loss on there own like I finally did. I really know how hard it is and I'm still just starting. I don't even feel like I have jumped some major hurdle. Yea I have made some great progress but I'm scared that I will not finish the race. Yea and before you tell me that this race is for life, I understand that. But at some point it will stop being about loosing the weight and it will start being about living a exciting healthy life and maintaining my body. So while I congratulate anyone that has lost a ton of weight, I still wonder if I'm gonna get there and if my wife will be there with me.



2010년 08월 4일

I'm trying to find new foods to eat especially for breakfast. This week I have tried Kashi GoLean Crunch with Vanilla Soy Milk. I really enjoy the combination and this morning I added a half a banana (YUM!). So I asked a lady at work that I know is health conscious if she has ever had Soy Milk. She stated she did and likes it then proceeds to tell me that it is not as healthy as I would think. So that got me wondering how healthy are these foods I am eating and can one thing truly be healthy. I then read a forum that was talking about how there is stealth fiber that is being put into food to make is seem healthier. I checked the Kashi and found that the stealth fiber is in there as Chicory Root Extract. I don't know but maybe I should go back to eating my bagel thin and turkey sausage links everyday instead of adding variety.

On a activity note, Yesterday I rode my bike for over 2.26 miles with like 3 resting stops for a couple of minutes each. It took 21:11 for the whole trip so my average speed was only a little over 6 miles an hour. But the fact that I did this is just outstanding. It is increasingly difficult to walk on a daily basis due to my time constrains. Now that I am walking for several miles at a time, to make it beneficial for me I need to plan for over a hour. So biking I can burn more calories in less time then the same time for walking. There is also something about the wind in my hair that makes me feel free :-). The only down note for yesterday was I rode by two skinny young ladies sitting on a bench. Just when I started to go by them the one turned to the other and kinda pointed at me. I think that they started laughing after I rode by. I got home and thought about hopping in the car and driving back there to confront them. A second thought was that they would not even admit to it or wouldn't care. Yea it may be funny to see a 334 pound man on a 24 inch mountain bike with a modified seat to accommodate his big butt but at least have the courtesy to not laugh until out of ear and eye shot. Oh and at least I am out there doing something, I mean I could be sitting in front of a TV with a big box of Oreo Cookies wondering why I have to be so fat. Why can't people see the up sides in things. This world is so fricken negative. :-) Okay bitching aside I still even did more yesterday then bike ride but the other stuff is boring so I won't kill you with that. Lets just say I had a really active day and by the end I was exhausted.

So that was my day off in a nut shell. Today was not that exciting other then the soy milk comments. I have to go return a stupid digital food scale that lasted all of 2 food items (can we make thinks cheaper!) after work. If you are reading this what is a good inexpensive digital food scale I can get. What do you recommend? After that home to eat and sleep until I have to do it all over again tomorrow.



2010년 08월 1일

Wow how things work out. Friday I was saying how I needed someone as a friend in the same town as me. There is a guy that I met while working down the street at Pizza King (10 years ago). When I met him I thought that he was a bit nuts. He lives in the house behind me and we share a ally. For years I would see him and we would be pleasant to each other. Ya know, friendly and neighborly. Well he stopped by the house today. We heard that some one be hind our house was starting a methamphetamine recovery home for men (Christian based). We found out via certified letter that it was this guy I met years ago. He stopped by to clear up some things about the home he was starting (My wife had some concerns). Apparently when I met him he was just starting his recovery and that is why he was a bit nutty. He could not read or write and his mind was so messed up from his addition that all he could do was dishes. I guess I helped him with learning the job and taught him more tasks. I only worked there for about 3 months one summer to help with income due to a layoff. He has been clean and sober for 10 years and over that time he has become certified in recovery and crisis intervention. He has had guys staying with him through these 10 years and now he want to become a official and legal recovery home to continue helping others. Also come to find out that he has been struggling with his weight also. Here is the real kicker, He said that when he first met me that because I was kind to him and help him at work that it helped a great deal in his recovery. (I am tearing up while writing this. I cried after he left.) Just to think that I touched a person, even though I had preconceived notions about him, that helped him in more ways than I would ever realize. It really goes to show that no matter what you do in this word you can touch someone without ever realizing it. Now he wants my help in changing his lifestyle in regards to food. I really think that we can help each other. He told me to call him anytime. WOW, You never know what you have in front of you until you open your eyes and look. My wife may even help him with grants to assist in running the home. I don't know if it was GOD or what that brought him over but it meant so much to me to hear how my kindness and helpfulness helped him. Give people a chance and they will surprise you all the time.

On a activity note, My daughter (the wonderful 8 year old that she is) started riding her bike sans training wheels. Yesterday I asked if she wanted to try so we go out the wrench. I taught her how to take off the nut that was holding them on. I removed the one and she did the other. Tightened them back up. Had her sit on the bike while I was holding her up. Went 20 feet down the road with me holding on to her and another 20 feet back. On the 3rd try I let go and she was up and going all on her own. She went down the street and into the grass. The amazing thing was that she stopped on her own. No crash or nothing. Talk about a proud papa. I was all smiles. We went out together on our bikes last night. We rode to the park and back (4 to 5 blocks). Today she was bugging me to go ride her bike. We went downtown and back. She is doing such a amazing job. I'm so proud of her. I'm also proud of myself for finally getting off my lazy butt and teaching her how to do it. I guess she may be a bit old as a bunch of her school friends ditched the training wheels already but by golly shes doing it. I don't think that she gained the confidence until she started seeing my 300 plus butt get up on my mountain bike and ride. She is a real inspiration to me. She pushes me all the time to be more active. Such a blessing in my life. So finally after several weeks of no activity I'm getting back to it. See back pain you can go to the bad place. I'm outta here, on my bike leaving you in the dust.



2010년 07월 30일

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