59Carol님의 저널

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2022년 11월 26일

Very modest loss of 0.2 pound. Frankly, I am lucky I am logging in any loss at all. On average I ate 100 calories above my calorie window this week. I had one very high day and 3 a bit over days. That is more than half the week eating more than intended. So any loss is a win!

I have been working on eating more mindfully. This has shown me to what extent that I do not eat mindfully. Trying to slow down is hard - long ingrained habits of eating quickly are hard to break. This is an area that I will continue to bring greater awareness to.

I had a number of zoom meetings and classes this week. One of the members of my book club has a stained glass business. She invited our club and her art club to come to her studio and make some Christmas ornaments. It was fun to get together and do a craft despite my very non-craftiness! She had a lovely spread of meats, cheeses and desserts available. That was my very high eating day!! I have my car back from the autobody and none the worse for wear for having hit the deer.
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
81.6 kg 40.1 kg 4.5 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.1 kg 감소하기

2022년 11월 19일

I am showing a gain of 1.4 pounds as of two weeks ago. I am never pleased to log a gain however this isn't as frustrating as it could have been. I went to the city last week. This is often a 3-5 pound gain experience. I have been home for about a week. This week I have eaten in the zone for 6 days and had one quite high calorie day. The net result is this 1.4 pound gain.

The wins- I did NOT gain 3-5 pounds! I travelled with my granddaughter. We halved most of our meals between us. She often doesn't finish her meals and I finish all of mine! This meant I ate less and she ate what she normally does. And no leftovers! I did not indulge in sweets while I was gone. I have been home and right back on my regimen of eating well 6 out of 7 days.

The not wins- I gained.

The last couple of weeks have been busy. I went to a live performance of Jesus Christ Superstar with a friend. It was lovely getting to do this. Musicals are a favorite of mine and this one in particular is nostalgic! I loved traveling with my granddaughter. I ended up in town 3 times this week so that means it was lots of driving. There was a Restorative Justice AGM to attend, a massage, a noon hour walk with my sister, a morning walk with a friend, a special symposium at the court house discussing Restorative Justice, some yoga classes and this morning I am back in town for a Policy Committee meeting for the Women's Shelter and then off to a Christmas craft sale! Next week looks pretty quiet - thank goodness.
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
81.7 kg 40.1 kg 4.6 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.3 kg 증가하기

2022년 11월 5일

Whoopee! I lost 2 pounds this week. What a relief. No big surprise though. I had one day of eating well over my calorie window and two days considerably below and the other 4 days within the window. In the end I averaged at the bottom of my calorie window. This all makes the 2 pound loss to be expected.

I have started with my virtual personal coach/trainer. I am finding the novelty of working with another person and trying out her way of doing things and maintaining my regular ways to be useful. Of course, it is easier to stay on track when I am reporting what I have done. So far, I have started a baseline exercise piece. I had to film myself doing it so they could look at my form. That was challenging- filming and doing the routines! Got it done. Also I am to take pictures of everything that I eat and send it to her. First day of doing this was yesterday - somewhat hard in that I had to remember to do it before I ate it! For the most part I did. One I had to show the frozen version because I forgot!

I also bagged up treat bags of 150 calories with a couple of cookies and jelly beans. All carefully figured out and then the bags went into the freezer. I pull one out per day and that is the sweets for the day. I have some cucumbers cut up with measured hummus in the container for a snack at any time. That is helping too. Finally I realized that I was hungry at 4 and that if I just ate then and then ate around 7ish it worked. So now I eat at 8, 12, 4, 7ish. This has probably been the single most help for the night eating.

This week I had great success with my 91 year old deaf father in law and getting him to a doctor - we got his needs attended to, a doctor assigned to him, home care is to come in to check on him, me on the list so they call me with results as well as him, and a follow up appointment!! I was so glad.
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
81.1 kg 40.7 kg 4.0 kg 합리적
   (7개의 댓글) 주 0.9 kg 감소하기

2022년 10월 29일

It's a loss! Hard won but a loss of 1.2 pounds. Hard won because I started the week with two days way over my calorie window and last night another day way over. The other 4 days were in the zone or less. The first two days was an Ukranian Supper and then the next day was just eating butter, honey and melba toast to excess! Last night was a celebration of a physician getting an award buffet - avoiding the sweet table would have saved my bacon however, I didn't.

The middle four days I got a handle on my eating. I went to the store and examined a variety of cookies and candies finding ones that the calories were 35 or less per serving. That is quite hard as the average cookie is 75 calories or more! I put them into baggies with labels and set the rest aside. I will be making up 'day amounts' of 150 calories and putting the rest away today. This seems to be helping my sweet tooth without mindlessly chomping down handfuls.

I assessed my patterns over the last 25 years - yes I have been in this game of weight loss for 25 years. I seem to stall out somewhere in the 170s and then drift upward over time. I don't want that to be my story this time. I wish to end somewhere around 140-155 (I will assess as I enter these weights) but not to end at 170. So what will I do differently?

Earlier this week I contacted Nerd Fitness which has a virtual personal coach program that I have been aware of for the last few years. I will be starting with my coach next week on Wednesday. I am hoping to find that personal accountability during these last 35-40 pounds to be the difference. I am also looking for any new way of looking at my choices- basically bring a beginner's mind to the situation. I will post on how this goes for me.

Last week was a busy week for me. Went to a Ukrainian refugee supper in support of refugees in our community. I got my booster Covid shot on Monday- no side effects. I had a zoom meeting about health care in our region and signed up for working on senior needs especially those aging in place, I took my first class on some Buddhist teachings, had my granddaughter come for some school work help for two days, went to a yoga class, met friends for lunch (navigated the menus well -thank goodness I checked online for the nutrition information!), attended a community supper celebrating one of our physicians who has been working in our community for the past 42 years and planned a policy meeting for the Women Shelter committee. Definitely busy!
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
82.0 kg 39.8 kg 4.9 kg 합리적
   (9개의 댓글) 주 0.5 kg 감소하기

2022년 10월 22일

Well I have gained again. With three days way over and two days just over it isn't terribly surprising that I am up 2.8 pounds.

What is surprising is that I am allowing this to be my pattern at the moment. It has been ice cream, Thanksgiving, squares and cake. That is a pretty easy pattern to read - I am eating sugar and in large quantities. My choices are causing me to go up in weight instead of down. I do know that the time is evening when I am indulging especially the ice cream (which is now gone!). Squares and cake are indulgences when in town or at a meeting. What I need to look at is how often is an indulgence and how often tips it into a habit? I have some serious reflecting to do.

This week I registered for a zoom Buddhist class starting next week, went to a weekly yoga class, met with three different organizations that I volunteer with, met with a lady who is working on a profile of me for the Feb edtion of the ATA magazine, dealt with the insurance afermath of hitting a deer! Definitely busy! Tonight I am invited to a Ukrianian Supper and entertainment to support our local Ukrainian refugees. That will be fun! (I have planned what I will eat - 3 perogies, 1 cabbage roll and a piece of Keilbasa sausage!)
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
82.6 kg 39.2 kg 5.4 kg 합리적
   (8개의 댓글) 주 1.5 kg 증가하기

59Carol님의 체중기록

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