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작성이: caz60

Macaroni & Cheese

Comfort food never tasted this good and without the extra calories.



  1. Boil macaroni is salty hot water.
  2. In separate pan, melt the butter (not too hot), stir in flour and milk until reasonably thickened.
  3. Stir in 1 cup of cheese into the sauce until melted.
  4. Add drained pasta to the sauce and mix. Place all ingredients in baking dish and sprinkle remaining cheese over.
  5. Cook in oven at 350° F (175° C) for a little under 30 minutes.
  6. Note: you can add paprika to help in the browning process but not too much to impact taste.
302분 회원님들께서 이 요리법을 요리책에 추가하셨습니다.

My only question is what is the actual serving size? 1 cup 1/2 cup...ect.
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2017년 12월 1일 작성이: robertarmstrong
This is the base of the recipe I am putting together. My version: It has no regular butter, flour or milk. Using Earth Balance instead Non-GMO, Vegan with a great buttery taste/Use Almond flour, and for milk use any non-dairy milk. I prefer to use Silk Almond milk. I almost forgot about the cheese. Please try the vegan cheese sauce I have posted on my journal. You will not regret it. And for an added touch top the mac&cheese with bread crumbs(basil and garlic) before putting it in the oven. Enjoy!Now, that's Mac and Cheese vegan style. Anyone is welcomed to try it.
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2017년 07월 24일 작성이: PinkGirlYasmin
It sounds better to me if it were whole wheat pasta. I try always to use whole wheat breads and pastas. I prefer the pastas for their nutty taste.
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2017년 06월 24일 작성이: brisbee
I replace the mac with cauliflower, no milk, use heavy cream and use real kerrygold butter, not the light stuff, no flour, and make a bake. Works great for me. Give it a try.
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2016년 10월 15일 작성이: julescamper
try this with miracle noodles instead of macaroni. order on line under miracle noodle. has no calories no carbs. sort of like the shitaki noodles.
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2016년 01월 20일 작성이: Sweet Georgia Peaches
No good for Atkins. Way too many Carbs sorry
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2012년 06월 10일 작성이: earacar
Butter is forbidden on low GI, and flour and noodles are both high-GI. So if you have to have this, then only the smallest size portion.
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2011년 01월 13일 작성이: oceanroses
Not good for Healthy for life (Low GI). As said before, if the noodles were changed to whole wheat and cheese to low fat then it maybe good for phase 2.
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2010년 08월 13일 작성이: mmiddlemist80
yummmmy love a good Mac & Cheese
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2010년 05월 22일 작성이: changeup
6 points a serving, about the same as the lean cuisine...but it begs the question of how much would the calorie and fat numbers drop and the fiber number rise if you used whole wheat and low-fat products...
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2008년 06월 27일 작성이: apikalia
19중 1에서 10 다음


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부드럽고 맛있고 약간 달콤한.
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적당히 달콤하고 맛있고 간단한 레시피.
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너무 맛있고, 치즈맛이 나고, 간편해요.
건강하고 쉽게 준비할 수 있는.

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영양 요약:

Macaroni & Cheese의 1인분에는 291칼로리가 있습니다.
칼로리 분석: 31% 지방, 50% 탄수화물, 20% 단백질.

영양 정보
서빙 사이즈
서브 당
서브 당
1215 kJ
290 kcal
불포화 지방
(290 cal)
14% 일일권장
칼로리 분석:
탄수화물 (49%)
지방 (31%)
단백질 (20%)
*일일권장에 따른 2000칼로리

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