nvrquit0383님의 저널, 2010년 02월 10일

Ok so officially I am helpless. I can not stop eatting CRAP! None and I mean NONE of my clothes fit...and that's including the fat clothes that were hiding in the back of my closet hoping to never be brought back out again.

I have no motivation to workout, am self-medicating with food and am at an all time high with my weight. NEVER in my life have I been this...FAT!

Like today, I ate fast food, more fast food, candy, donuts, ugh I am so gross!

I'm officially obese.

I need help.

I don't know what is going to do it.

The worst part is that I don't care that much...like in a weird way...I'm just like eh f' it...im gonna have that and eat that and oh well....

I was never like that before.

I just don't like me.

I don't care about me.

What do I do????

88.5 kg 지금까지 감소한: 0 kg.    남은양: 22.7 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2010년 02월 10일:
269 kcal 지방: 10.84g | 단백질: 10.33g | 탄수화물: 36.60g.   점심 식사: Hard Pretzels, Almonds, yogurt vanilla, orange. 더보기
주 0.6 kg 증가하기


You have a pretty photo. I know the feeling. You are officially DEPRESSED---not new news? Get to the doctor and get to the bottom of your unhappiness. You might try a simple,real-food menu plan the night before.3meals and 2 snacks. Do not try to eat less all day then binge at night.Good luck. You have GOT to care. It is worth it!! Nursekitty 
2010년 02월 10일 작성이: nursekitty
Im a medical professional who works in mental health, and i agree with nursekitty. It truly sounds like your cycling into a depression. See your doctor to see if there isnt an underlying issue. It may really help you later. As for the eating, i too, like many women, can sympathize with exactly what your going through. I use to eat like that all the time, and then realized even my "fat" clothes didnt fit. You do get to a point though, when you say "enough's enough"...and then it clicks. Your a beautiful women, and you can do this! Feel free to chat with my anytime..good luck darling.. 
2010년 02월 10일 작성이: F_for fabulous
Yes you can do it & believe me its very easy to loose weight, but you have to give some time say 6 months to loose 20 Kgs & its happening for me I am the laziest when it comes for exercise & diet but see now i have lost almost 8 kgs & it makes me feel so confident in my next challenge to loose 3 kgs in February. Good luck to you & im sure you will reach ur goal.  
2011년 02월 1일 작성이: virtualcadd



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