nvrquit0383님의 저널, 2009년 02월 21일

For the past couple weeks I have been eatting so poorly and failing to exercise since I have not been coming on this site and recording out of embarrassment for what I have consumed.
I need to stop the binge eatting and get control again.
My boyfriend and I just broke up and I am most likely getting fired from my job, so emotional eatting has definately taken its toll on me, but it is up to me to committ to change.
I will follow the challenges now
I will eat 5 fruits and vegetables every day
I will eat modest portions
I will excercise atleast 3 times per week.
77.1 kg 지금까지 감소한: 0 kg.    남은양: 11.3 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.
주 2.2 kg 증가하기


I know, I get really involved in stress eating, too. I get embarrassed about how much I sometimes eat too. All we can do is get back on the wagon and keep trying until we get it right. 
2009년 02월 21일 작성이: DLAndrews
Sometimes I hate to post what I eat too. I just don't let myself not post it though, that is the only thing holding me back from buying all the reduced price V-day candy. Hang in there. & I am sorry about you & your boyfriend. 
2009년 02월 21일 작성이: phonixrise
I like how you've kept your goals simple. Sometimes after my binge eating/emotional eating I set out a plan that is so complicated that I never get things going. Keep your head up high girl. Are you in BC too? I thought I saw this in your profile. I'm in Vancity! 
2009년 02월 24일 작성이: healed01



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