TheChunkyOne님의 저널

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2011년 03월 17일

First and foremost, I am having Niko Niko's for lunch today and i am so freaking excited. I'm going to have a gyro and try my hardest not to eat the whole thing cause according to FS they are worth about 600 calories, and thats not including all the extra tzatziki sauce that i like to smother each bite in. *drools*

in other news, I got myself a gym buddy! I ran into an old friend from HS at the gym the other night and we finally ran into eathother again last night and decided ot work out together. I had the best time and she is just as (if not more so) focused on her goals as i am, so we compliment eachother very well. Also her dad is the head of the department that my husband is trying to get into at our local airport. Score!! (he's going to school to get a liscense to be an airplane tech)

And last but not least, tomorrow is Friday! woop woop

2011년 03월 16일

Hit my calories perfectly yesterday :) I felt so great yesterday, i was full of energy, i had plenty of energy to bust ass at the gym, i didnt feel like a walking zombie when i got home, i just felt good. i think that is a sign that i have been eating too little calories in the past, becuase thats how i've felt. I felt weak at the gym and wanted to pass out as soon as i got home, and i was always STARVING when i got home. Last night i was hungry, but not to the point that i could barely wait for me food to heat up, like i have been in the past.

Another thing i did differently yesterday... I split my meals into intervals. I ate lunch until i was full, put left overs in the fridge and reaheated it about 2 hours later and finished it. Same with dinner. I ate about half, then cleaned the kitchen, put kiddo to bed, my usually nightly routine, then finished it before i went to bed. I'm not sure if thats a good or bad thing to do, but it felt right. I really just had a constant energy throughout the day, i felt really good.

speaking of eating, the grapes in the fridge are calling my name! Happy Humpday!

2011년 03월 15일

My mind is in a million different places right now.

I'm considering taking my calories up another notch to 1400-1500 based on some info i read this morning, and since fatsecret tells me to eat 1700 a day, i guess it couldnt hurt. Now that i am working out a lot more and incorporating weight training, the extra calories cant hurt, and certainly wont make me gain, at least in the long run (i hope) Right now i'm at 1250 calories for the day and i havent decided where i want my extra 200 calories to come from today, maybe a spoonful of peanutbutter for dessert?

I've been thinking alot about my goal weight (thanks to k8yk and her wisdom that she so kindly shares in her journals) and i realized something. When i was in highschool i went through this same journey, and got stuck right at around 132 pounds and was only able to get to my lowest weight of 125 pounds by very unhealhty measures that i'd rather not share. I also remember that when i reached 132 in HS i had fat in all the same places that i do now, and i hated being 'so close yet so far away', which is exactly how i feel now.
So this time around, instead of relying on extreme measures, i'm going to start really focusing on weight training and building up my lean muscle mass, which will (if all goes as planned) blast the fat off my problem areas.
As i am now i would definitley consider myself 'skinny fat'. I'm little, but oh so very flabby. Weight training it is!

Ugh.. really, its only Tuesday.

2011년 03월 14일

Where do i begin...

I decided to relax this weekend, i didnt concentrate on couting calories. I figured my inlaws would be stressful enough without having to worry about checking the caloric content of every meal that was put in front of me, and i was right. I was actually doing really well regardless until Saturday afternoon, we left the Children's Museum and MIL wanted to have greek food.. at 3 in the afternoon.. when we had dinner plans at 6. I didnt eat a lot of food, but did eat the way wrong foods and ended up bringing on a nasty case of acid reflux and ended up sick for most of the night.

I weighed myself this morning and was only up to 136 but i bet thats becuase i'm dehydrated. I drank waaaay too much wine and almost no water so i'm playing catch up today.

I'm flat out exhausted today but i still plan on making it to the gym tonight, especially since i missed out on my Saturday gym trip due to timing issues. (i.e. it didnt fit into FIL's schedule.)

All in all, i am SO glad this weekend is over (for once) and am now looking forward to doing exactly nothing next weekend. :) Happy Monday buddies!

2011년 03월 11일

Well, good news and bad news.

Good news first. The first encounter with the inlaws went well. I went to the gym before going home yesterday and that helped a ton in relieving my stress and anxiety. I even had enough will power at dinner to order a salad with grilled shrimp :) Oh, and they both noticed that i have lost weight :) Double yay

Bad news. No weight loss this week. I'm still exactly 135.4, as i have been for most of the week. Grrr. I was hoping for at least a small loss so i could relax a bit on my eating this weekend, buti dont want to have 2 weeks in a row with no loss, so i've got to stick to my plan this weekend.
I've decided tho that i will play it cool tonight and try a re-do weigh in tomorrow morning. Maybe a day of rest from the gym and plenty of water will help me rid of whatever water weight i'm holding on to.
This is my least favorite thing about weight training. The scale stops moving and it gets really discouraging, but i know i'm eating well and kicking ass at the gym, so i need to just trust that my body is doing what it needs to do.

Happy Friday buddies! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, keep your fingers crossed that the encounter of the inlaws stays postive!

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