sngglebnny님의 저널

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2015년 01월 14일

Today, I feel tall! If you've ever read my bio, then you know that means something. As yesterday progressed I started to feel uncomfortable in the cold air of the office. The outfit I wore was a bad combination of fabrics and fit and I looked frumpy. The weather outside was fog with a visibility of only a few feet from our window. I started to seek out food for comfort...I only found my emergency stash of sunflower seeds.

I started to feel better when I changed into my cycling clothes. As I pulled on my sports bra I saw a little indentation. Touching it, I realized it was a rib protruding from a leaner section of my belly. Let me repeat that. It was a RIB protruding from a LEANer section of MY belly. Whaaaaaaaat?

So apparently, this fast is burning fat in a different sequence than I'm used to. That's why I was having trouble believing that I was losing weight!

Last night, I had my super yummy zucchini noodle, tomato, tofu leftovers and cooked a lentil and spinach stew to have for lunch through the end of the week. It turned out delicious and I can't wait to have a bowl full of it in the next hour.

So, again I feel tall!

I also have been pondering staying vegan. Who says I have to go back? It does limit more things that I eat, and separates me even more from my family. But, I am my own single, black, female person right? Maybe, I should have switched to being vegan/vegetarian when my bowel problems first started around 17. We didn't know anything about this concept back then. Only treehuggers were vegan (I can say that, I lived in Asheville). Only people with allergies were vegetarian. I didn't want to eat cold iceberg lettuce salads and fruit all day every day. I ate what my family and friends ate.

PETA videos still don't bother me, and I don't hate a nice juicy steak, wrapped in bacon, stuffed with chicken, on top of a fish, inside an omelette. Just, my digestive system can't handle it.

Things to ponder. Feeling great!


2015년 01월 13일

I'm having a hard time believing without seeing. How did I ever become a Christian - oh yeah, I was raised Baptist.

Anyways, I am starting to understand how scale-dependent I am. Looking in the mirror I see progress, but in the forefront of my mind I feel like it's all a trick. A ruse until I see proof on the scale.

My clothes are not yet falling off like they were when I was 185. Could I actually be gaining weight? Now that I'm growing used to the limitations of the Daniel Fast, I feel both full and satisfied from my food. Aren't fasts suppose to be a struggle? Should I decrease my portions to feel the hunger?

I think, that I should food journal the meals I cook this Sunday so I can make sure that I am not overdoing it with the calories. I guess that's me being faithless again. This fast isn't supposed to be all about losing weight, but I don't want to get to the end and find out that I've done it all wrong.

Still, I will maintain my fast from the scale. Other things that I hoped to accomplish in the fast are also progressing in a positive way.

Oh, and yet again I say "yay Magnesium and probiotics"!


2015년 01월 12일

It's so nice to make it through a weekend without going overboard.

Saturday, one of my girlfriends wanted to celebrate her birthday but ended up coming down with a cold or something. We had a movie night at my house instead of going out and I set up all the comfy chairs and blow up mattress with tons of pillows and blankets. They brought "healthy" munchies and wine.

While they snacked, I fixed myself a full dinner in the kitchen. Cabbage steaks (which they devoured) and warmed up a red potato that I had already baked. I had some of the fruit that they brought, but none of the wine or other munchies and dips and stuff. They left me with all the raw vegetables which are going to come in handy this week.

It wasn't until I woke up Saturday that I realized that I had successfully navigated a ladies night without consuming or desiring to consume all the junk and wine like everyone else. How unheard of!

Saturday, I had my normal oatmeal with raisins for breakfast, but I doctored it up with nutmeg and cinnamon because I was home and it was available. I bought sunflower seeds and dried fruit mix from the Dollar Tree which became my lunch later in the day when I realized my friend wasn't stopping for food as we shopped. I was starved by the time I got home but still managed just to stick to a cabbage steak and potato for dinner.

Sunday was a little weird. I was cold! So cold! The weather had warmed up to 40 degrees, so they said, I was great until I got to church where it should have been warm. Instead, they either turned off the heat or turned the air on during service. I never warmed up. I had to bike in the cold to Kroger to get fruit for the week, and then back to the train.

Stinking weekend schedule, single tracking, and special events. I had an eighteen minute wait in each cold, unheated train station - there were three, and then I had to bike home in the cold. By that time the temperature had dropped. Needless to say, this was another late lunch and I didn't even care if it tasted good. As long as it was hot! I had the leftover brown rice topped with guacamole topped with leftover slow cooked black beans.

It was like a burrito bowl and it was gooooooooood. I heated up some 100% apple juice with water on the stove and threw in some whole uncooked cranberries for an interesting hot Daniel Fast approved drink. Then I sat right in front of my space heater while I ate and drank everything.

The weird thing about yesterday was when I tried to eat dinner. Even though I was hungry I felt stuffed as I tried to eat. It wasn't a lot of food, so I made myself finish it. But I woke up this morning wondering if I should have just skipped dinner if it was so much hassle to get it down.

I'm happy to report that my usual weekend problem was non-existent as well. The Magnesium and probiotics are doing their job!

Also, without I am over a week without caffeine and I don't feel like I need it.

Had the thought that I don't really need to go back to daily coffee.

Okay, time to have a productive Monday!


2015년 01월 9일

A friend from out of town is staying with me this weekend, last night she told me that I was much smaller than I was the last time she saw me. That was 12/17 and I was 187 at that time.

I don't think I'm that small yet. Although, I have noticed that things are fitting better. I'm wearing a pair of sweatpants now that I used to complain about not having enough stretch. They're still tight, but more fitted as opposed to uncomfortable.

This morning I woke up to a completely flat belly! Well, flat for my belly. Nothing was pushing out in odd places like an alien. Thank you magnesium and probiotics! That felt nice!

Last night, I went to Tin Drum and had Pad Woon Sen (I think that's the name) without egg and with tofu. It's made out of glass noodles and it was delicious, it was enough, but they didn't give me as much as the first time I went there. I've got to stop desiring to stuff myself when I eat out at restaurants! Yarghh, I just want to get my money's worth...the struggle lol

Alright, it's time to have a great Friday.


2015년 01월 8일

Last night I took the Magnesium and Probiotic before bed.

Yesterday, I finally went after a brisk walk to Walgreens/

Walgreens had a BOGO sell on vitamins which is fantastic. I've been wanting to try both of these vitamins, but have been put off by the price of vitamins in general. So, I made out like a villain on this deal.

This morning is the first in a long time where I've woken up on my tummy. My lower abdomen wasn't distended all the way up to my belly button as it has been doing since I lost my original 15 pounds last year. There was a small area of distention, but I'm hoping that will decrease with continued use of the Magnesium and probiotics. Overall, I feel the weight coming off.

I forgot to grab my breakfast when I grabbed lunch, so I went to the cafeteria and got a bowl of their potatoes. They were super greasy and I had a fleeting desire for a cold coke to go with it. Very fleeting. Once I was gulping water and reading my devotional, I forgot about all of that.

Biking in this morning's balmy 12 deg weather wasn't half bad. I wore my neck gaiter flipped up over my nose and a scarf to keep the face and neck warm. I had a thermal shirt and thermal pullover and fleece lined tights as a base layer, then I threw my sweatpants and running jacket on top, and my rain coat to block the wind. My only cold spots were my fingertips as I need better mittens. Not too shabby.


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