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2014년 09월 19일

Hi, everyone! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

As you can tell, it's another day of feeling good. I did tweek my right knee, but ice and rest will have it feeling better in a day. I don't have any plans that will have to be rescheduled due to the knee.

I feel like going out tonight and wearing the leather tights I bought a weekend or two ago. Hot hot hot!!! We'll see if I still have energy in a few hours. I WILL be taking a nap. My plans are... dinner, shower, pedicure, nap, night out!

The sinus infection or the sudafed reset my body and not in a good way. On the bike, I feel like I'm starting over from day 1. Some of the gears that were comfortable and easy a few weeks ago have me huffing a puffing. It gets easier each day. Tomorrow is a bike rest day for sure because I felt the muscle fatigue today on the way in. It's good to feel that again. I'll take muscle fatigue over exhaustion caused by an illness any day.

Also, the illness or meds reset my satiety meter. I have been having a hard time being satisfied with my portions over the last week. My oatmeal has been inching up to a cup instead of half a cup. My other meals leave me full but dissatisfied. So, I got to work on getting back to where I was.

I believe this is why I have plateaued and am feeling fat at 187. This weekend, I will have the time to focus on my food intake. Give me two days to jump start the healthy portions habit that I had developed. If I see 186 on Tuesday's weigh-in I will be a happy girl.

Have a good weekend! Love you!

2014년 09월 17일

I feel great today! Back in control. Riding the bike is still tougher than it should be, but I got here and felt refreshed instead of dead. Progress!

I only used the Simply Saline to flush out my nasal passages while in a hot steam shower this morning -not big on medication. Things were feeling clear before, but now I feel even better. Amazing how much those cavities hold and the discomfort our bodies get used to feeling.

Oatmeal is still my best friend. Nothing fills me and keeps me satisfied like a warm bowl of oatmeal raisins and honey. I don't really need the honey, but I'm using it for it's allergy reducing properties for spring. Need to make a grocery run during my lunch break to refill on the oats.

Tummy is no longer poking out, so let's keep it this way! I get compliments everyday on my weight loss even when I am so bloated that I look pregnant. I LUV IT! Still eating salads like they're going out of style. More home cooking and I hope to loose a pound this week.

2014년 09월 16일

Wow! I'm still amazed about how this simple sinus infection has left me worn out. This morning I twisted up my hair while waiting on the electrician. When they left, I put my bike on the bus and only rode from the train to work. Nothing too strenuous, but I'm sitting at my desk feeling as if I just did a power hour workout.

I booked an appt with my new PCP just to make sure the sinus infection is gone, but also to check on my blood pressure. I have never had high blood pressure, but the nurse expressed concerns when I came in sick last Monday. That concerns me because I've been complaining of a pulled chest muscle that keeps getting pulled doing random and simple things. Just a week before the sinus infection, I was telling my coworkers that I kept getting too out of breath over the smallest exertion.

Jeez, just when I'm getting in the best shape of the last four years! I hope I'm not developing heart problems. This is what happened when my blood sugar first got out of whack...I was in the best shape since high school (maybe better), then boom!

Also, I have a stiffness in my neck where I had surgery to remove a benign mass nearly 15 years ago. I've always been concerned that it would come back. Has it?

Other than that, I feel great!

2014년 09월 15일

It felt amazing to be back on my bike this morning, though I was a little uncoordinated. I almost ran into this man because I couldn't regain my balance. My foot also slipped off the pedals once when I tried to mount my bike. My arms had issues holding the handlebars steady.

Ok Ok so I am still suffering a little from last week's the sinus infection. Mostly tiredness and weakness, but I did get the mother of all headaches which shut me down for a few hours yesterday afternoon.

Saturday, though, I took a trip out to the farmer's market and it was such a pleasant day. One of the thoughts I had was how fantastic this simpler life was. The days stretch longer when I don't have every minute planned out in efficient detail. I read a book on the train and played a game on my cellphone when cell service wasn't cut off by a tunnel.

Surprisingly I needed a nap as soon as I got home. I think the sinus infection/Sudafed dulls my hunger signals. I'd gone too long without an energy source which requires immediate sustenance and time to recoup. The banana on the train back was enough to get me home and I stuck some peanut butter in my mouth before I shut my eyes on the couch. Woke up groggy and stayed in for the rest of the day. Got the kitchen cleaned and all my produced rinsed and dried though!!!

Sunday, I kept hearing a crackling in my sinus cavities which lead to sharp pressure and pain in my top front teeth which then subsided into a sinus headache. I took some sudafed and started to clean my room in order to stay awake. Had the strong the desire to go back to sleep but I had promised a friend to attend the 1pm church service with her. My room is about 1/3 clean, yay! Sinus headache increased in church a little, but magnified on the walk back home from the train.

I could have waited for the bus but sitting still made everything feel like it was getting worse. Much better to walk slowly. Climbing the stairs to my front door rewarded me with blinding pain. I had to crash on the couch for a few minutes until that subsided enough to take more sudafed, eat a banana, and go nap in my room....for 4 hours. Seriously, the only reason I got up was to eat something.

When I got up, all was well and bright with the world even though the sun was setting LOL. I had a lot of energy and felt great.

So, this week I am eating very clean; it's so much easier to do after a trip tot he Farmer's Market. For $53 I bought what would have cost me about $80 at Kroger. Had somethings last week that caused instant backup and bloating that's why this week needs to be clean. Don't like walking around with my belly poking out like that, it doesn't look or feel good. Very surprised to keep seeing 187 on the scale even though I feel like 197. Thank the Lord it's not 197. Ready to go!

2014년 09월 12일

A summary of my week...

A week ago, I went to the movies with my group and we saw Guardians of the Galaxy. It was a great movie and we had an awesome night. Getting home was an adventure; we ended up on the Northbound train because they were single-tracking on the Southbound track. That was a 40 minute diversion during which time I realized that I had left my phone in Target's bathroom. I called from my friend's phone and they had found it.

Saturday I biked up to Target and retrieved my phone, went to Starbucks for an iced coffee, biked to Goodwill and found two blazers to wear this fall, biked to Ross and found some basics to replace the ones my dryer ate.

Let me tell you how good it is to buy basics. I'm talking underwear, undershirts, tights, socks, etc. These are clothing items that get a lot of wear and would be replaced in 3-6 months. Taking a hit to my wages meant sacrificing on a lot of things. We'll just say, that I can finally throw out some garments that I've held on to for the last two years. Bye bye, undershirts with the straps safety pinned on. Bye bye, underwear with barely there elastic. Bye bye, last year's tights with the huge run that I try to hide.

I also found some faux leather pants for $10 to go with my Goodwill blazers. I also ordered two t-shirts from my favorite online consignment shop

Sunday was good, except for a pesky runny nose. I was certain it was just allergies and the change of seasons. I went to a vision board party after church, and went through tissue after tissue.

Monday is when I woke up with the sinus infection and TOM started Tuesday. Sudafed has kept me going and really focused on work in an unusual way. Let me tell you, being able to dress casually got me through the week!

So that was my week. Finally feeling better and ready to buckle down on the weight loss. I'm aiming for a pound a week average until Thanksgiving!!!

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