nvrquit0383님의 저널, 2023년 06월 26일

My weight just won’t budge. I started doing keto again and trying to stick under 50net carbs a day and tracking every morsel. Man it is tough to do as I love snacking and everything has carbs in it! I’ve had chicken and veggies and a protein bar so far today and I’m already at half my carb allotment for the day! I used to do keto and it was pretty easy to maintain. Now I’m having trouble as I’m drawn to the snacking and sweet tooth. I have all these carb replacement sweets made with eritheryol but maybe all of that is working against me? I have to train my body to not crave the fake sweets and snacks. Calories on these keto treats add up!
81.2 kg 지금까지 감소한: 19.1 kg.    남은양: 9.5 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2023년 06월 26일:
777 kcal 지방: 44.37g | 단백질: 57.02g | 탄수화물: 59.25g.   점심 식사: Low Carb Blueberry Muffin, Trader Joe's Roasted Green Beans with Olive Oil, Sea Salt & Black Pepper, Kevin's Natural Foods Paleo Roasted Garlic Chicken, Nick's Choklad Peanöt. 간식/기타: Tom & Jenny’S Classic Soft Caramel. 더보기
주 0.2 kg 증가하기

10명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Can you up your exercise. Ive been stuck up or down a pound for a month and five days ago started adding a second 4 mile walk to my day in the evening and yesterday scale started moving again and again this am. Also are you getting plenty of water. 64 oz minimum 100 if you can? Chemicals just aren’t good for you tho i confess to sugarless gum for sweets and i can always tell when I’ve had too much gum my tummy feels weird. 
2023년 06월 26일 작성이: Yearofhealth2023
Yes, sweeteners don't work well for some. Maybe try increasing your fat instead while getting back into the swing of things. You could try sugar/sweetener free bullet-proof coffee with grass-fed butter & MCT oil. It is easier for your body to adjust to keto if you add a good bit of dietary fat in the beginning because sometimes it's harder to gain access to body fat in the beginning, depending on what you've been eating prior, thus creating cravings for sweets/carbs for energy. A transition has to take place from buring carbs to buring fat for energy. Let the body know, "Nope! You're only getting fat for energy. Now, learn to use it!" It will get better, and then you will naturally cuts back on the fat. Good luck to you on your journey! 💜 
2023년 06월 26일 작성이: ZenusWarriorPrincess
Also, everyone's carb allowance is different on keto. It depends alot on muscle mass, gender, and activity level. I'm trying to keep mine at 20 or below. Another thing is that keto is high fat, not high protein. Too much protein can keep some out of or kick them out of ketosis. "Keto foods" that are available these days are also suspect. It is best to get your nutrition from natural foods as much as possible. Again, good luck figuring out what works for you!  
2023년 06월 26일 작성이: ZenusWarriorPrincess
I second that motion to ditch the sweet tasting snacks, this time around I have eliminated all sweeteners, including 0 calorie ones. After the first week of my body screaming for something sweet, it suddenly shut up. I think after my palate cleared and I could actually taste everything for real, it was so good that I don't need to add any sweeteners to anything! Right now my toothpaste tastes so sweet I rinsed my mouth with salt water to get rid of it.  
2023년 06월 26일 작성이: debrafrederick
Thanks so much for the tips everyone! I finally saw a drop on the scale. Focusing on drinking a whole lot more water, ditching the keto replacements and getting those healthy fats in-hello salmon avocado and goat cheese salad last night yum yum yum  
2023년 06월 27일 작성이: nvrquit0383
@nvrquit Sounds like a plan! 🙂 Nice salad!  
2023년 06월 27일 작성이: ZenusWarriorPrincess
Gorgeous profile pic, btw! 
2023년 06월 27일 작성이: ZenusWarriorPrincess
Zenus-thank you!😊 
2023년 06월 27일 작성이: nvrquit0383



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