nvrquit0383님의 저널, 2009년 07월 24일

Well I have fallen off the wagaon...kind of.

I haven't been on here in a while because I started to train for the NYC Marathon and have been extreeeeemely busy, hence no time to track all my food on here, and I thought I did not need to...well I was wrong.

It's a good time and a bad thing.

The good part- I don't obsess with what I eat- AT ALL! I eat ice cream, eat cookies for lunch, drink, I mean literally whatever I want. I eat allllll the time. Probably every 2-3 hours, I am putting some type of food into my body. I eat when I am hungry, but I don't always choose the healthiest choices. Now, for the most part I do try and choose healthy, however (and as can be seen with my weight gain), this clearly is not working to get my weight down. I need to start tracking again and I will start today!

The thing about training for the marathon is it is a LOT of running and working out. So, I do need extra calories to give me the energy for the 9 mile+ runs.

On a side note, I look great and have never felt better. My blood pressure is 110/70. My EKG shows a sinus bradycardia because I am in such good shape and my pulse sits pretty at 50. EKG normal and every other blood test came back fine. So in a medical exam, I get an A++.

The bad part- I work SO hard at everything I do. This encompasses work, working out, etc.etc.etc. Hence, I am frustrated that the scale has gone up instead of going down.

Part of me says, well I've put on more muscle and muscle ways more than fat and my body is in much better cardiovascular shape than it was in March. This is all true, BUT my body fat pecentage is 30%. Right THERE is what needs to change.

So, I am going to do something about it.

Starting TODAY!

Goal body fat= 20%
Weight= 145 pounds

Goal to achieve by = November 1st (date of the NYC Marathon!)
72.6 kg 지금까지 감소한: 3.2 kg.    남은양: 6.8 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2009년 07월 24일:
619 kcal 지방: 3.13g | 단백질: 9.02g | 탄수화물: 149.07g.   아침 식사: dried mango, oatmeal. 점심 식사: coffee skim milk, apple. 더보기
주 0.9 kg 증가하기


Good luck! You can do this. : ) 
2009년 07월 24일 작성이: FakePlasticLala
OK so you have been gone a while but you are only up a couple. That's just a fluctuation. Try working on eating better stuff....I know I have to do this too. Clearly you need no work on the exercise front. Better food will help get that BF percentage down as well as the wt. BTW: This doesn't have to be HARD work...just SMART work. Think about it. Here to help, chat discuss, talk etc. Best Jim  
2009년 07월 24일 작성이: jchickos



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