nvrquit0383님의 저널, 2011년 04월 8일

Wow I am sooo sore! In anticipation for last night's festivities, I worked out super hard on the elliptical for 45 mins and tried to limit my calories during the day. I was also whipping up the dance floor and was dripping sweat...kinna gross but there were sooo many people and it was crazy hot, but my legs realllly feel it today! I am estimating that I was hardcore dancing for an hour, but it was probably more considering we got there at 8 and left at 230 am!

So I stepped on the scale this morning just to see if I had done any damage, and I'm down a pound! woohoo!!
95.1 kg 지금까지 감소한: 6.6 kg.    남은양: 22.5 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 100%.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2011년 04월 8일:
692 kcal 지방: 14.42g | 단백질: 48.71g | 탄수화물: 99.49g.   아침 식사: Avocados, Coffee with Skim Milk, almonds, Milk (Nonfat), Whey Protein Powder - Vanilla. 점심 식사:  sushi . 간식/기타: Peach Pear Apricot Pineapple Cherry Fruit Salad (Solids and Liquids, Juice Pack, Canned). 더보기
주 3.2 kg 감소하기




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