nvrquit0383님의 저널, 2009년 03월 25일

Oh man I can not believe it...well I guess I can with what I've been doing to myself lately, but I don't want to believe it...I'm up to 175 pounds! This is the weight I was at 2 years ago when I was a size 16. It took me 2 whole years to take it off and boom in 4 months...I've put all the weight back on thanks to daily binging on fast food, candy, carbs, sugar, more carbs, more sugar. I've been taking in well over 5,000 calories a day and not getting to the gym. I'm facing the music now as not one piece of clothing fits and I am utterly miserable. I guess there's no day like today or well tommorrow to start eatting like a normal person again, but boy do I know this will be hard, let alone trying to get back in a weight loss mode.
How is it possible that my mind switched over so quickly it seems to completely changing my diet from fairly healthy with fruits vegetables etc. to not even liking the taste of vegetables but gravitating only towards carbs carbs and more carbs? Once I start I just can't stop!

I guess I just needed to write this all down and try and make sense of it all or atleast own up to what's going on. Everyone around me sees all the weight I put on and doesn't say anything or suggests I go to the gym...in the nicest way possible, but its like I'm the elephant in the room...literally and figuratively.

Boo when is this all going to stop or am I going to balloon up even more? I need help.
79.4 kg 지금까지 감소한: 0 kg.    남은양: 13.6 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2009년 03월 25일:
3346 kcal 지방: 139.08g | 단백질: 143.51g | 탄수화물: 373.75g.   아침 식사: yogurt, butter, bagel butter. 점심 식사: chicken wrap. 저녁 식사: marinated mushrooms, calamari, zucchini fries, sea bass. 간식/기타: Strawberry Frosty Shake (Large). 더보기
주 0.5 kg 증가하기




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