nvrquit0383님의 저널, 2013년 04월 17일

Ugh I'm so upset today that I gained this week. I kind of saw it coming since I went over Rdi and didn't exercise as much. I thought atleast I'd just remain the same though since I was still negative for the day:(

Oh well it's a new week now, a new day and I must remain focused and keep my eye on the prize!!
97.8 kg 지금까지 감소한: 2.4 kg.    남은양: 26.2 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2013년 04월 17일:
1092 kcal 지방: 40.76g | 단백질: 69.14g | 탄수화물: 119.17g.   아침 식사: Egg White Veggie Wake-Up Wrap, Iced Coffee with Milk. 점심 식사: Pineapple Chunks (Sweetened, Frozen), Mongolian Beef Stir-Fry. 저녁 식사: Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, Sweet Potato, Beef Steak (Lean Only Eaten). 간식/기타: Excellence Dark Chocolate with A Touch of Sea Salt. 더보기
2575 kcal 운동: 걷기 (운동) - 5.5km/h - 40 분, 숙면 - 8 시간, 휴식 - 15 시간   20 분. 더보기
주 4.4 kg 증가하기


Hey nvrquit0383, think we are all feeling some sort of funk...I have been slacking for more than 8months now. I see-sawed 10-12 pds, but have plateaued at 6pds., due to lack of motivation, or just plain old laziness. I have no real excuse or valid reason, but every day I have to keep reminding myself, those pounds are NOT going to magically go away, so when I tell myself that, it helps me to stop going towards the cookies, and opt for the yogurt. Avoid the cream, in my coffee, and re-learn to like black coffee, no more than 8oz, with ONE sugar! Having dinner out, I hear "AVOID the extra carbs, if you're holding a glass of wine. if you;re having a second glass DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT DESSERT!!" it's these little sub-concious nags, that are helping me avoid the additional 6 pds that I know I would have gained back by now!! But now I really want to swing the scale downwards some more, so every day I make it through by listening to my little nag, feels like an accomplishment and one step closer to my goal. Never quit! you'll get there :) 
2013년 04월 18일 작성이: backphat92
Thanks so much sweetie. You're so right!! I'm trying hard this week to avoid temptation. It's everywhere haha! Best of luck to you on your journey!! 
2013년 04월 19일 작성이: nvrquit0383



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