nvrquit0383님의 저널, 2013년 03월 21일

Today marked that day that I started over...for the FINAL time!
Its been almost a year since I've weighed in here and that was 25 pounds ago. It's been a year of ups and downs and I'd like to keep the down element only referring to my falling weight from now on.

I have a challenge posed to be by my mother who knows that I need a little more than a push in the motivation department...for ever pound that I lose...she will give me $10. I'm unfortunately not working right now so this will provide me some spending time in the interim.

Today was the first day on the challenge and I have put it on myself to make working out my "job"

I started the day with 30 minutes on Wii Fitness Coach which was light cardio.

Then in the afternoon I went to the gym and did a nice heart pumping workout...20 minutes on the treadmil with a jog/run combo, then some weights, followed by 15 minutes on the elliptical.

Then I came home, relaxed, had a healthy dinner and then topped off the day with 30 minutes on the stationary bike.

I'm already sore and might have gone a little too hard as my first day but I'm already feeling good about taking the first steps.

103.0 kg 지금까지 감소한: 0 kg.    남은양: 30.4 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 적용하지않음.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2013년 03월 21일:
1215 kcal 지방: 31.00g | 단백질: 61.10g | 탄수화물: 179.26g.   아침 식사: orange, milk, special k with berries. 점심 식사: wendys pecan salad. 저녁 식사: vegetable Teriyaki . 간식/기타: orange, ham. 더보기
3643 kcal 운동: 운동 기계 (느리게) - 30 분, 자전거 (중간속도) - 21km/h - 30 분, 컨디셔닝 운동 (헬스 클럽) - 1 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간, 휴식 - 14 시간. 더보기
주 0.3 kg 증가하기


good to see you back ... great start. you can do it! 
2013년 03월 22일 작성이: br_e_co



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