morela12님의 저널

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2012년 05월 9일

It's amazing to see that when i STICK to plan, good things happen. I have been really frustrated these past few days with not seeing the scale move and feeling bloated and unhappy with my progress.

First off i had to remind myself a thousand times that i have lost about 22 pounds in a little less than 8 weeks! I should be jumping off the roof instead of getting down on myself because the scale hasn't moved in the last 5 days. I need to be proud of the fact that i've stuck with the plan and that if i eat a bit more food than i have become acustomed to, it doesn't mean that i have failed. It just means that tomorrow is a new day with a new history and new outcomes. I am in control of my own fate in this process.

I need to be able to "live" life vs. monitoring every exact little thing that i eat. I will fluctuate on the scale for the rest of my life. There will be days when i lose and days when i don't. I need to somehow become ok with this. That's my next do i stop obsessing over the scale and allowing it to dictate how i feel? I know people will say just stop looking at it and weighing myself. But then that sets up a whole other issue that i have, as i feel it helps keep me accountable.

Anyway, this journey is full of new things i need to think about. I spose that keeps me on my toes as well, i think if this process was super easy i wouldn't be able to be SUPER DUPER proud when i get to my goal. The harder the path the better the reward...

2012년 05월 8일

So today i continue to still be discouraged. Am i discouraged enough to go off plan and start eating like crazy, not at all. I'm just frustrated that i am staying at 202.2 for the past 4 days. It hasn't budged.

Do i know why this is? Absolutely. For example, i went on a 45 minute bike ride last night. It was great. The evening was beautiful. I ate a huge salad before i went out and then i came back, relaxed, watched tv....and around 9:40 i decided i wanted to eat some refried beans, hummus, and corn to be followed with fresh almond butter (just ground almonds).

So what did i learn? I learned that i need to not eat late at night. I learned that though i stick to "whole foods", it is still not part of my new lifestyle to overindulge. I learned that even if i go on a bike ride, it doesn't give me permission to eat late at night or eat in large quantities.

Anyway, i don't know why i'm discouraged when i continue to eat healthily, even if i eat more than i should or later than i want to. It is still a major lifestyle change. I guess the main thing that frustrates me is that i would eat TONS of food at super late hours of the night and i wouldn't really gain each morning. I guess if i really think about it, i would gain, because i crept up to 231 at one point. So even though i didn't see it each day, i guess i was steadily gaining each day. So that helps, i guess. It's just frustrating that i'm eating SOOOO much less than i used to and you'd think the pounds would just be falling off, but they aren't.


Anyway, i just wanted to rant for awhile. Get this off my chest. Move on. Go on another, and another, and another bike ride and stop eating late at night. I need to realize that there will be times when i eat more than i would like to, but that doesn't mean i'm going to balloon back up to 231. It just means that it will come off slower.

I'm just's a whole new world and i just want to get to Onderland and have a safety net that doesn't push me over 200 at every chance that i eat a bit more than i should.

Alright...i'm done. You can't control the numbers on the scale, you can only control if you stay on plan. I WILL stay on plan, dangit! :)

2012년 05월 7일

So i've had some off days since last Thursday. Not REALLY off, but meals that aren't planned and i do my best to adapt them to my new lifestyle.

Saturday i ate too many nuts and beans, and it showed on the scale on Sunday. I am proud that i haven't "cheated", and that the reasons why i ate too much was because my family was in town. I never splurged. I never ate "non whole" foods, i just at in excess of what i normally do and i can tell on the scales and in my body. My stomach doesn't feel as flat as it did last week. Ugh!

It's frustrating because i know that i'm eating SOOOO much better than i used to, but then i eat a little bit more than usual and the scale goes up again.

Anyway, all i can do it stick with it and see the results, which i am...i just feel bloated and a bit down today because i wanted to be able to login in Onederland, and i'm just not there yet. Maybe next week.

And btw, this 200.2 was what i weighed on Friday not today's weight. Today i was 202.2. But i'm logging the 200.2 because i know these extra 2 pounds are water weight and will come off quickly.
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
90.8 kg 9.9 kg 20.5 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 1.1 kg 감소하기

2012년 05월 3일

So today was a teaser day (i'm assuming at least). I stepped on the scale this morning and as i always do, i look straight ahead and not at the numbers fluctuating on the scale until it registers the final weight....

and OMG, 199.8!!!!!!!!!

I did get off and back on, just to check and it still said the same thing. OMG!

Anyway, as i said, i'm not truly believing it until i see it for a few days in a row. I want to be super excited about it but i'm having a hard time really thinking i'll stay here at this point, because i was 201.2 yesterday morning. So i'm going to keep waiting it out and sticking to the plan. I'll be exstactic if i keep seeing it through the weekend.

So it's a day that i thought i would be stoked about, and trust me, i am because i know that it's looming very close, but i'm in need of the confirmation before i blow through the rafters with excitment!

It's amazing how sticking with a great plan can really get results! Who woulda thunk it! :)

2012년 05월 2일

Wow, i'm into my 7th week of my new lifestyle. I don't really even think about it anymore, unless i'm realizing how nasty i would feel if i ate really ANY of the items i was eating a little over 7 weeks ago. I used to eat major carbs at EVERY meal. Sometimes buying a half dozen fresh baked bagels and eating them in a day and a half. I would eat stuffing, potatoes, sandwiches, pasta galore, and so many other incredibly unhealthy items. I now eat only whole foods (with exception of vegan coffee creamer, fake meat crumbles on my salad, some Smart Balance when cooking mass amounts of spinach and Splenda in my coffee). Other than these few items everything is fresh fruit and veggies. It's amazing how great i feel. I drink tons of water throughout the day and look forward to eating my fruit each day because it's like dessert.

Did i think 7 weeks ago that i would be able to feel good about sticking to this? Absolutely not. Am i super happy to see the scale dropping? OF COURSE! But what i'm shocked to be thinking about too, is that my body is getting healthier. In the past i have just done diets that are restrictive. Ones that would allow me to eat the same foods, but in moderation. This was almost impossible for me because i ended up having trigger foods in my house, and having to employ my "resistance" skills when a late night craving came along. Now, when i get a late night craving it's not a problem if i grab a date or a orange. This lifestyle has allowed me to not be restricted. I can eat without calorie counting or restriction...but rather eat as much as i want because all the food that i'm putting into my body is GOOD for it.

Anyway, i'm SO close to Onederland. I was this close about a year ago and never made it. This time i WILL make it. I will feel how good it feels and then begin my next countdown from 199-155. My next goal is to bring back jogging into my life. I know how amazingly good it will make me feel and i can't wait. For some reason i have just been focusing on getting my eating in check that i'm hoping once i have that solved for good, i will be able to get exercising down to a science.

Super excited for the changes and i look forward to looking back at this post when i'm at 155! :)
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
91.6 kg 9.1 kg 21.3 kg 100%
   (3개의 댓글) 주 0.6 kg 감소하기

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