morela12님의 저널

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2013년 02월 5일

So i've been back to eating some foods after almost 30 days on the juice only plan. It feels so good to be juicing and i plan to continue to mostly have juices with a few salads mixed in for lunch or dinner. My body just feels so much better when i'm not overworking it on hard to process foods.

I need to stay away from the nuts as they really do a number on my stomach (i think it's the fat).

I'll be going on vacation in 3 weeks and really want to be in the 170's by the time i leave. I'm so close i just need to stay on track and not get sidetracked thinking i've come so far and i don't have to keep working.

Tonight is the first night in about a year that i'll be getting back to the gym. I hope it feels as good as i'm hoping it does!

Here we go to continue making strides on this journey! One step at a time...
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
81.9 kg 18.8 kg 11.6 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 1.4 kg 감소하기

2013년 01월 31일

Wowsers it's been a long time since i posted on here but i'm still on track! For the most part at least. I've had an interesting last couple of months but i'm happy to say that i'm back to losing weight rather than staying stagnant in the high 180's, as i have been for the past 5 months or so.

What am i doing? Well, i've been juicing a ton lately. For the past month i've been doing mostly juices with a few salads w/fake meat. It's the fake meat crumbles that i need to cut out. They are so unhealthy and processed and certainly don't help the scale. My goal is to eat ONLY whole foods from here on out, with the OCCASIONAL processed food, rather than eating some every day.

I feel great. I'm so glad to be back on track and should be slimming down even more over the next few months.

I still get crazy food cravings but i've learned to curb those so that i don't go overboard and regret my decision. Definitely being on the juice feast (90%) has helped me get over my desires to binge. It's amazing how much it's helped me to realize that i can get over the intense desire to binge

Here i go, onto another 6 months of change! Btw, it will be 1 year (in mid-March) since i began this journey to get serious about becoming healthy and losing weight. In that year i've lost over 40 lbs with about 30 more to go. It's amazing that i thought it would take forever, but to think it's been a year so far is just crazy! Time really does pass and it's amazing what you can accomplish.
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
82.9 kg 17.8 kg 12.6 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.1 kg 감소하기

2012년 12월 4일

So, today is Day 2 (kind of). Yesterday i was great ALL day, until the evening when i kept struggling with whether to stay on track or to eat something.

Well, i was day one, and i really think that now that i've gotten off track once, it has taught me to just stick through it. I would have felt so much better last night and this morning.

What did i cheat with? I had a huge kale salad with tofu & yumm sauce (not tooooo unhealthy, but not the greatest either) and a number of handfuls of chocolate chips.

I felt so great all day, sticking with the plan and then felt like i couldn't stop myself from eating.

What i've learned is that today is a new day. I have the power to change. There is no one else responsible for this journey other than me. I should be doing everything i possibly can to make my body healthy, as this is the only body that i have. I think that i've learned many things already and can't wait to see what else this journey has in store.

This morning for breakfast i had a juice (cucumber, carrots, apples, celery). It was pretty tasty and really refreshing. Here's to Day 2 (most like Day 1 though, since i didn't stick with it 100% yesterday).

2012년 12월 3일

So, I've been away from here for awhile. 41 days if you look at my weight ticker. :)

I haven't gained ALL the weight back or anything (a few pounds over Thanksgiving, yes, i'm at 192.2 this morning).

The main reason i'm writing this is to keep a log of what i'm doing now, to help keep me accountable. Other than doing a blog, i didn't know of another way to keep a journal of what i'm embarking on (other than real paper of course, but i type a heck of a lot faster than i write). Anyway...

Today is DAY 1 of a juice fast. I know, i know, people are going to think one way or another about it. However, being vegan already, the idea of a juice fast is fascinating to me. How can the body rebuild, fix, repair and survive all on juice?

Well, after watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (as it looks like TONS of people did, and thus began juice fasts), i realized that it IS possible and very good for someone. I'm not looking for a right or wrong answer here...basically just posting my results as i go through the process. I'm doing this not only to lose weight, but to reset my body, to give it the chance to re-heal and reset itself.

Day 1: Started out great. Felt like i was on top of the world this morning. That i would DO this and be so content afterwards, that i was certainly able to do this for 30 days. By noon, my stomach was starting to grumble and i got this fog of "wtf am i doing??" and i felt weak. Anyway, went home for lunch (was going to make juice, but it didn't quite appeal to me so i drank of Odwalla Superfood). I've been at work all day so i haven't had much time to think about food and being hungry, which has been really nice. However, the spare moments that i have had to think, food and the same "wtf am i doing?" thoughts pop into my head. I've been trying to read blogs about how people got through the first few days of a juice fast, and it seems like what i'm feeling isn't any different than anyone else. I just have to push through!!!

So day one, still trying to figure this thing out and i'm waiting for the euphoric feeling everyone talks about. :)

2012년 10월 23일

So, this isn't the weight i weighed in at today (it was 187 this morning), however that was because i went crazy last night with eating late and eating bread/tator tots at a work function. However, i know that this will come off quickly and i'll be back on the right track and back down to this weight well before my weigh-in next week.

Things have been great (with exception of last night) for the past week. Eating only whole foods and not eating late at night, so i'm feeling great. It's amazing what a difference being healthy makes with your mindset.

For example, yesterday i was feeling amazing. Had stuck to plan all last week and over the weekend. I felt on top of the world. However, today, since i went overboard last night, i'm now feeling overweight, bloated and unsuccessful. It's crazy that this journey is such a roller coaster of emotions, however it really isn't a roller coaster if you stay on track. That's my lesson for today (not that i haven't realized it countless times before), but if you stay on track 100% of the time you feel great, 100% of the time.

Here's to 100% and feeling awesome!
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
83.7 kg 17.0 kg 13.4 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.5 kg 감소하기

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