BCLenny님의 저널

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2010년 07월 2일

My time at home has gone all to fast, I leave early in the morning and start my 21 days Sunday morning. Its been a busy 4 days at home but I did get to visit my Mom twice and see my girls and the new puppy Jake. I haven't been eating to much fighting this dam cold and the asthma that gets worse with it, very short of breath. I am hoping to be feeling better by the time I start on Sunday. I am taking my pedometer to see how far I go in 21 days and hopefully will come home with another nice loss...maybe into the 70's. Like I have mentioned I have no problem following Atkins WOE while I am in camp, yes there are lots of tempting foods but nothing tempts me more then wanting to see the scale continue to go down, that payoff is way better then anything can taste. I am sorry I didn't get more time on FS with all of you, just know I think of you all often and hope the best for you and the goals you have set. Happy July 4th to all, celebrate by dancing and laughing..it burns calories. Take Care Luv Lenny

2010년 06월 30일

Its good to be home even if its only for four days. I miss everyone and my time on FS with you all fighting the battle of the bulge. I am having no problem sticking to my WOE there is such a food variety..good and bad..very bad, the desserts are awesome to look at anyway. I won't be cheating I want this to bad and all the added exercise has boosted up the metabolism and the weight is moving again. At first I was worried about going to camp and seeing the array of food offered by I can honestly say that after 8 months on Atkins none of those foods appeal to me..I like the way I eat and the way it makes me feel so why would a screw that up for something that brought me to the point of diabetes and ruined health..so not worth it..not even a bite worth. I picked up a cold on my way to the job and afte 3 days I had such a bad cold which affected my asthma..there was a time when that would have sent me to bed or even ER but I stayed working 10 hours a day, I was pushing but I did it. I know have antibiotics to take and prenisone to help with the asthma..that will give me a weight gain but only temporary and its worth it to help with my breathing. He gave me extra to take with me incase I get in trouble at work so that nice. Its a 400 dollar cab ride to Ft. Mc to see a Dr..ouch! There is only about 3 hours of darkness up there right now, I always wondered what that was like now I know. I am leaving on Saturday and will be gone 21 days this time and back home July 25th for 7 days and hopefully another nice loss. I miss you all so much and hopefully now that my first days there are behind I will find more time for FS...I need my buddies and friends and miss you all very much. Stay focused on your goals, be good to yourselfs and before you know it there will be a new skinny you. much luv to all...Lenny :)

2010년 06월 29일

2010년 06월 23일

Hi guys, I miss you to Amanda all of you, its just not the same. I had a day from hell, to much work not enough girls. My feet are killing me I just wanted to sit down and cry..not eat..cry. I think they are getting a new girl tomorrow I hope so I don't think I could do to many of those. I am not drinking enough water at all and not enough calories. Its to hard to work if you eat to much, bending down doing toilets and shower stalls..even dinner I keep light because we go clean night shift rooms after we eat. I am exhausted by the end of the day and food is the last thing on my mindl. I don't know how I will make out with not eating enough..we will see. I go home on Monday for 4 days, actually 7, one going, one coming and one in camp before I work it was cheaper to fly the day before. I will be for 21 days next time.m I miss you all so much and your support and the jokes from Mary Ellen and Ruby..and encouragement from Stef and amanda and Keli always there to help me out and of course My Andrea with her short SA's on how to improve our wealth..lol. I know I have missed someone out but to each one of you I wish the best. I will post when I can which right now hasn't been ofter..but just know I am hanging in...by my teeth but hanging in. Take care. Luv Lenny :)

2010년 06월 22일

Hi, Just finished day 6,I go home on the 28th so its a shorter rotation this time out. It will be 21 in and 7 out from now on. I am getting the hang of it but my feet hurt like hell. I make miles and miles every day..these camps are huge, each until is at least a block long and I have to walk four of them just to get coffee. My Dorm to clean is A and it has 40 rooms, and then I have to help out in other dorms because there are not enough campies (housekeepers) . It is gettin easier as I learn my way around. I am stilling eating the Atkins way and have no idea how much I weigh. I will find out when I go home. I wish I could answer each email but I just don't have the time. I am up at 5 am and starting laundry ( towels, pillow cases, quilts , pillows etc all before I have my usual breakfast of bacon and scrambled eggs. I officially start work at 7 and work until 3 today it was 4 and after supper get our night shift rooms done and anything else that needs doing. So now it is 9:00 pm here , just got out of the shower and ready to sleep fast and do it all over again. I miss my husband and puppies but we have plans and so I will do my part. I miss all of you and our chats. Stay true to yourselfs and get that dam weight off..much luv Lenny

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