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2015년 03월 9일


Well, as I was battling a cold on my usual 'first Friday of the month' challenge, I didn't get to doing my benchmark routine until Sunday. However, I'm pleased. Here's how it's been going:

Max. Deadhang Pull-ups:
January - 6
February - 8
March - 8

100 Full Burpees (for time):
January - 11:26
February - 10:57
March - 9:48

Workouts have been suffering these past couple of weeks due to the demands of work and allowing myself some rest as I fought off this cold, but I think it's been for the best. Body and mind needed the rest...and (as the benchmark challenge proved) performance hasn't suffered.

I think being active and watching my eating helped me to fight off this cold with relative ease. My husband was dealing with the same cold, but he seemed to have a tougher time getting through it/over it...either that or it was clearly a case of a "man cold".

This week I finally get the opportunity to get out for some rock climbing again. I haven't been on rock in about 2 years! I'm sort of nervous about getting reacquainted with my old friend, but oober-excited to be back. I wish I could make it more of a routine (like I used to do...once a week), but I'll take what I can get. Good times, good activity with some great people.

Happy Monday all!

2015년 03월 4일


I took a week off from the gym and today will be my first day back to the old routine. It wasn't easy to take that time off, but it's given my mind a well needed break.

Thanks for the advice last week. I did schedule a lunch date with my husband and it was a great break. He and I agreed we will keep this up maybe every other week. It was wonderful to get out and enjoy a meal without having to remind a child to sit still, eat, etc. He's an amazing person.

For Lent, my son gave up candy and pop. I thought that was a pretty lofty goal so I said I would do the same. Not that I have a problem with candy (well...OK I do love chocolate!), but I enjoy a pop or two a week. However, I have to say that my son's discipline is inspiring and it keeps me on point, too. Twice I have witnessed him (withOUT my prompting) decline pop and opt for water...even at a birthday party! That's a lot of maturity for a 7 year old! So, this week when a co-worker brought in Snicker topped cupcakes, it made it easy to resist as I've witnessed willpower in action...from a 7 year old.

Balance is slowly working it's way back into my life. Work is manageable...but I'm so proud of my team for putting in their extra efforts through all of the turnover and with being 2 short of staff.

Yep...feeling improved.

2015년 02월 25일

I feel that everyone is getting such a diluted version of my right now.

As I've communicated in recent posts, I'm crazy busy with the new job, training someone in the old job (geez it would have been way easier to change companies instead of taking a promotion), managing family, harnessing 2 kids, and oh yeah maybe a few minutes for ME in there??? I'm overwhelmed to say the least.

So it doesn't help when DH expresses to me the other evening that he's feeling left out. I get it. I'm sympathetic, but I really don't have a whole lot left in the tank to GIVE to ANYONE. For lack of a better stinks!

I know I'm flailing as a manager, but I'm learning and getting better. I know I'm flailing as a mother, but I'm calm and remaining patient. And yes dear, I know I'm flailing as a wife, too, but I'm faithful and staying positive.

This, too, shall pass I know I'll hear. It just stinks being in the "this" and not past it yet.

A few of my favorite blogs are so positive and optimistic. Is it seriously possible to be so positive all the time? Do these people ever really have it totally together? I need to hear the dirt. I need to hear the "no, it's not always easy for me either".

I know, I know...hang in there...this too shall pass.

2015년 02월 17일

2015년 02월 9일

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