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2011년 04월 23일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
66.6 kg 25.9 kg 1.3 kg 100%
   (댓글 1개) 주 0.6 kg 감소하기

2011년 04월 17일

Okay, I gained 1.6 this week. *sigh*

It's okay though, because it was definately expected. It was a week full of overeating and not being accountable for it (little to no tracking). Luckily I did keep up my water intake and stick to my exercise schedule.

Anyway, I'm 100% back on track now, and 1.6 isn't something that I can't easily re-lose.

Seriously, I'm actually pretty proud of myself. Usually when I start overeating and not tracking, I let it go a lot longer than a week and do a lot more damage that 1.6.

Back in control now, and feeling fantastic!

None of my new skinny clothes look or feel any tighter, so 1.6 really isn't too bad. :-)

Let's start celebrating our gains as well as our losses, since they are bound to happen, and let's face it, if you're here and being so accountable as to track a gain, then you are on the right track!
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
67.1 kg 25.4 kg 1.8 kg 잘 따르지 않음
   (댓글 1개) 주 0.6 kg 증가하기

2011년 04월 9일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
66.4 kg 26.1 kg 1.1 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.3 kg 감소하기

2011년 04월 1일

The time has come, once again, to look back on the previous month and look ahead towards the new one! Time to see how I did on my March goals, and to make some new ones for April.

Goals for March:

Food Goal(s)- Continue with the Simply Filling Technique for the entire month of March. This means learning more about listening to my hunger signals! Also, try to stay away from chips, crackers, and oreos, since I keep having mini-binges on these things...

Result: I stayed on the SFT until Monday of this week, when I switched from tracking on to No regrets so far, I love that I switched it up, and SP is pretty nice! I still prefer the WW Community to the SP one, and at this point, I am still planning to keep my WW membership. I'm just switching it up, which is so much better than giving up, which I will NEVER do again. :-)

I started a personal "No Trigger Foods" challenge for myself a few days ago (You can read more about it on my blogger blog), because I was NOT doing well with the second food goal. 21 days without my trigger foods (foods that I for whatever reason cannot stop eating after one serving, or to satisfaction: oreos, chips, light bread, "healthy" crackers). So far, so good! 15 days left on the challenge!

Exercise Goal(s)- 1200 minutes, plus learn to love morning exercise! No more sleeping in. JUST DO IT. :-)

Result: I did 1205 minutes, so just barely, but I MADE IT, and it wasn't too difficult to fit it in this time. As long as I wake up before work a few times a week to squeeze it in in the mornings, I'm golden with this goal.

Weight Goal- down 3 pounds. I did it in February, I can do it again in March!!!

Result: From my weigh-in on 2/26 to my weigh-in on 3/26, I am down 3.2!!! So, I'd call that success. :-) Tomorrow is my first April weigh-in, so I guess my official April start weight will be from 3/26...

April Goals!!!

Food Goals: Track every day, whether it's on here or on SP. Focus on mostly whole foods. Stick to my NTF Challenge.

Exercise Goals: I'm keeping it at 1200 minutes, probably for the duration of the semester. Also, switch up the workouts, add in more strength and maybe even some flexibility training!

Weight Goal: GET TO GOAL (down 2.8). At least to my current goal weight of 145. I'm still planning to reevaluate things once I get there!

2011년 03월 26일

OMG, I lost .8 this week!!! And the crazy thing is that I thought that I didn't do well this week.

Too many moments of "Wow, I ate too much" happened. I'm still planning to work on that, so that it doesn't become a pattern. Even if I'm eating healthy foods, there is no reason to eat until uncomfortably full. Time to rein that in now, before it catches up to me and I end up gaining.

I'm starting a personal challenge for myself to not eat any of my "trigger foods" for 21 days. I did this with chips a few months ago, and it really helped me to not crave those daily.

I am considering making this a real challenge on here, I wonder if anyone would join? Hmmm...

Anyway, starting today, I'm going to abstain from the following foods completely for 21 days, in an effort to help myself stop craving them:

1) chips (potato, corn, pita, etc.)
2) crackers that pretend to be good for me (triscuits, wheat thins, whole wheat saltines, etc.)
3) light wheat bread (seriously, I keep buying a loaf on the weekends and it's gone by Wednesday!)
4) oreos (and and all types)

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
67.0 kg 25.5 kg 1.7 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.4 kg 감소하기

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