girlygirlatheart님의 저널

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2009년 03월 9일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
73.9 kg 21.3 kg 8.2 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.5 kg 감소하기

2009년 03월 7일

I really need to start carrying more portable food in my purse. I woke up this morning, and planned on eating breakfast and then working out. But my mom needed me to go with her to pick up the car that is in the shop. So I eat a light breakfast and then we go. I expected to be back in time to eat again and work out.
Oh, was I wrong. We were there for FOUR HOURS! And we didnt even get the car back! WTH, right?!?! well, it wasnt fixed. To make a long story short, we just left it there for them to finish. I was starving the whole time and I had nothing to eat. It was 3pm and I still had not been home to work out! We got home at around 3:30 after picking my brothers up some subway.

When I got home, I had a huge hunger headache and I was absolutely RAVENOUS. I ate an apple right away. That always seems to settle my hunger pangs and give me some energy so I can think clearly. After cooking my mom's food, doing laundry, and getting settled, I ate some sauteed shrimp and vegetables. Luckily, I measured all my food, sat down and ate it. If I hadnt measured everything, I would have totally binged because I was so hungry. I tend to just shove food in my mouth like there is no tomorrow. And if I eat really fast like that, i miss my body's que to stop. I'm sure you've all been there.
I cant let myself get that hungry anymore. Cant catch myself going 4-6 hours without food. I am setting myself up for disaster.

I am pretty tired from spending 4 hours at the car place. I dont want to work out :[ But I need to...
i figured it out and I need to end up taking tuesday as a rest day because there will be absolutely NO time to work out before we leave. We'll probably be gone the whole day, too. I just feel like crap right now and I dont want to work out. I am seriously lacking motivation. I know I couldnt even do my whole strength training AND cardio routine. So i think I am just going to do some ab work and cardio. Some is better than nothing, right?

Oh, and I have been having a total love affair with fruit, lately.
I cant get enough of it. I'm not saying I have totally binged on it lol but I want to eat some with basically every meal. I have been craving seasonal fruits too, especially ones that I would associate with summer, like pineapple, mangos, kiwis, strawberries, grapes, tangerines and pears. Hence the craving for nectarines with honey and granola on it. That is seriously my new favorite dessert/snack. I would probably take it over ice cream or brownies now.

***Post Work Out***
Well I feel much, much better.
I didnt do my normal routine of strength training, but I did what I could. Worked the abs, the legs, and arms. Did an hour and 20 mins of cardio, plus ran for a whole half a mile in 5 mins. That was fun :] And I feel good. I'm glad I pushed myself.

2009년 03월 7일

2009년 03월 5일

On Tuesday I only got 20 mins of cardio in and I definitely made up for it today by doing a lot of strength training and an extra 30 mins of cardio. I'm gonna say it was a good 90 mins.

I am doing better on the food side of things, and I learned something on tuesday... when I over eat, THATS what triggers a binge. I was in over my head, and I couldnt say no to the white cheddar noodles I had made my brothers for dinner. I ended up just eating and eating for the rest of the night, and felt like crap on Wednesday morning, as usual. I have done it in the past, but I need to really work on listening to my body and stop eating when I am full!

speaking of being full, I planned on increasing my calories from 1200 to 1300/1400, but I dont think I could fit that in. I eat each of my mini meals until I am full [i really dont have a problem staying on track and doing that during the day. I only seem to binge at night]

So I have "upped" my calories at each meal and so far it seems to be working for me.

The only thing is, I am eating less overall. I cant fit 1400 calories into my day unless I were to eat something VERY calorie dense, say like, ice cream.
Its weird. I used to eat strictly 200 calories or less for each of my mini meals. Eating 6 times a day, i would have about 1200 calories.
But now, I have given myself some breathing room, allowing myself anything between 200-250 calories, which also allows me to have a bigger variety of food choices, and I am eating less for the over all day. Some days I barely consume 800-1000 calories.

I guess I can slowly build it up once I have reached my goal and go into a more maintenance routine. But that wont be for awhile. So as long as I dont feel like I am dying [and I am not anymore] than I guess I'm not doing anything wrong, right?

2009년 03월 3일

Wow... where do I begin... today was just crazy.
I started exercising this morning at around 10:30.
On and off I was doing things for my mom [laundry, making food, etc]
so my strength training was broken up into bits and pieces. It didnt bother me much, or at least like it used to. I figure as long as I got it done, it should still count, right?
So then, i look at the clock and its 12:00. We had to leave at 1:30, so I had at least 45 mins to hop on the tremil and do my cardio.
After a five min warm up, and 5 or so mins of brisk walking, i decide I'll do intervals of running for the next 30 mins. Right after I started running, my brother started cooking a microwave pizza, and the treadmill is in the family room, which is open to the kitchen.
Has anyone else smelled food while they were working out and found that it smell absolutely DIS-GUST-TING!?!?!?!!!! GOD! It did smell horrible!!!! When my brother came back into the kitchen I told him "I hate that smell, and I have told you to please not make microwavable food while I am in here working out!"

I. Was. Pissed.

So, what does he do? Well, my brother is a handful. He can be a pistol, a pain, a burden... but he does mean well. He does.
This situation was no different from any of his 'screw ups'.
To get rid of the rancid, greasy pizza smell, he sprayed aerosol spray! right at me!
As soon as I smelled it... DONE! it took every breath straight out of my lungs. I felt like I was going to die! I already cannot stand that stuff. I asked him, "Are you trying to kill me?!?!" and I ran outside to get fresh air. I felt so light headed and my chest burned like hell.

So, after that, I had to recuperate and by that time, it was time to go take a shower and take my mom to the doctors. I am pretty peeved that I didnt get to do my cardio work out. I'm going to try to do it after dinner tonight, but I might just wait until thursday for a few reasons:
One, I am so sore that I think I need the rest.
Two, I have to get up early in the morning.
Three, TBL is on tonight, and I have had a hard day. I would like to just sit down and relax. We'll see how the night goes. I'm hungry now. Time for dinner!

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