no body
2010년 02월 가입함

136.1 kg
지금까지 감소한: 4.5 kg

현재 체중
131.5 kg
성과: 주 0.6 kg 감소하기

목표 체중
88.5 kg
남은양: 43.1 kg
Hi, my name is Robert Smith. I am "No Body" on the site where I have authored over 100 inspirational articles. Or, feel free to Google "No Body On Hubpages" and you will be able to read all I have written or you can find me on Facebook and friend request me. (Let me know that you are a FatSecret friend.)
I am a former human services worker, retired after 40 years working with mentally challenged adults. I am married to a beautiful woman (20 years) and have 2 grown children, a son Christopher and a daughter Chondra.
A childhood dream of playing an instrument came true after retirement, 10 years ago. I have discovered the ocarina, an ancient wind instrument virtually unchanged in thousands of years. Such a wonderful sounding instrument.
I'm a born-again, conservative, Christian. I am looking forward to getting healthy for a lot of reasons, chiefest among them is that I am not bringing glory to God the way I have lived my life and now my body is reaping the results of my stupid uncaring eating habits. I want to have the kind of body that my wife deserves.

no body님의 체중기록


최근 잰 체중: 주 3.8 kg 증가하기 Up
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.6 kg 증가하기 Up
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.4 kg 증가하기 Up
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.4 kg 감소하기 Down

no body님의 최근 음식 및 운동항목

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