khendy redya님의 저널, 2016년 08월 9일

Berat juga tapi lumayan belum sebulan udah 9,3 kg turun lingkar perut dari 122cm jadi 115 cm intermitent fasting+ low carb high fat + puasa senin kamis perfect combination
104.2 kg 지금까지 감소한: 9.3 kg.    남은양: 24.2 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.
주 2.1 kg 감소하기

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21중 1에서 20
Intermitent fasting itu maksudnya puasa apa pak? Low carb, tp high fat, tetep bs kurus kah? Kuatir ini, dilaporan persentase fat sm carbo gedean fat-nya 
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: shaviradap
Intermitent fasting itu lebih dikenal OCD, iya low carb high fat diet atau ketogenic diet tinggi fat/ lemak dari olive oil, lemak dari daging, minyak kelapa dan rendah serendah2nya bentuk karbohidrat terutama gula fungsinya menekan insulin keluar untuk menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah dan memproduksi keton agar sumber utama energi dari cadangan lemak tubuh kita saya ga saranin karena ga semua org bisa jalanin ini lebih baik googling lchf diet atau ke kalau saya mending beli daging sapi atau ayam dan yg lainnya yg alami daripada beli shake hehehe 
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: khendy redya
Kalau kamu anggap makan lemak bikin kamu gemuk itu salah loh sebenernya yg bikin kamu gemuk ya karbohidrat terutama gula yang pasti kamu googling aja deh banyak informasi soal metabolesme tubuh bagaimana tubuh mencerna makanan menjadi energi 
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: khendy redya
Menekan insulin berlebihan dpt merusak pankreas (klo sdh kena ya diabetes). Tubuh memang membutuhkan lemak unt metabolisme tp hny sedikit. Lemak yg berbahaya adalah LDL & jika terus menumpuk & teroksidasi karena insulin dpt membuat sumbatan dipembulu darah. 
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: k412lz
Klo tersumbat di kepala bisa stroke, klo djantung bs serangan jantung. Ahli gizi rata2 slalu menyarankan diet rendah lemak & gula. 
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: k412lz
Insulin keluar karena gula. Gula itu d ubah jadi energi. Mknya dengan gula tubuh jd berenergi. Lemak adalah cadangan energi di gunakan jika energi sdh tdk ada/kurang. Mknya klo kalori defisit & aktifitas tinggi yg dpakai lemak. Bb turun dech. 
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: k412lz
1 )hehehe mungkin kamu salah mengartikan arti "penekanan" disini, maksudnya tubuh tidak lagi mengandalkan insulin untuk menurunkan kadar gula didalam darah kan kalau kadar gula darah rendah insulin tidak keluar dari pangkreas bukan pangkreasnya tidak bisa memproduksi insulin 2) LDL bukan teroksidasi karena insulin, LDL itu ga jahat malah sebenarnya kita harus bersyukur ada LDL kenapa? LDL itu tugasnya menambal atau memperbaiki pembuluh darah yang terkena peradangan/ inflamasi, nah LDL ini mengobati dengan menambal pembuluh tersebut lalu kenapa jadi jahat karena bila tambalandari LDL ini semakin banyak ya jadi menyumbat pelbuluh darah sehingga bisa jadi serangan jantung, lalu gimana biar ga menyumbat? kita perlu HDL untuk membersihkan LDL yang menambal tersebut. 3) insulin keluar bukan hanya gula saja tapi semua sumber makanan dari karbohidrat hanya saja bila kita makan gula gula darah naik secara tajam dan otomatis tubuh memerintahkan pangkreas untuk memproduksi insulin lebih banyak agar kadar gula dalam darah tetap stabil lalu kelebihan nya itu disimpan menjadi lemak  
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: khendy redya
“So, how do you tell your body to start burning stored body fat?” my friend and fellow mother asked. “Cut the carbs,” answered another mom. “I go into ketosis just about every afternoon.” “Ketosis? Isn’t that bad for you?” The short answer? No. I talk to a lot of people who want to lose weight. They try all sorts of things — exercise, calorie restriction, you name it. Sometimes, they lose the weight. Inevitably, they gain it back. That’s because what they’re doing is going on a diet — a temporary fix at best. What they need is a lifestyle change, a perspective shift, a new paradigm. Of course, you all know the paradigm I espouse — a conversion to eating real, traditional foods. Yet even a conversion to eating real food won’t necessarily help the pounds melt away. If you’re still eating 200 grams of carbohydrates a day — even if they’re “traditional” carbohydrates like sprouted or soaked grains, unrefined sweeteners, etc, you’re not going to lose weight without making some serious changes. If your body is regularly storing body fat (you gain a little bit of weight each year), then something is wrong with how your body metabolizes food. Let me introduce you to a new concept: the body fat setpoint. The body fat setpoint is the mass of body fat that your body attempts to defend against changes in either direction. It’s your body’s attempt to maintain homeostasis. This is why if you exercise more, you eat more. It’s also why if you restrict calories, your metabolism slows down to compensate. Why should you care about the body fat setpoint? From Stephan at Whole Health Source: We care because this has some very important implications for human obesity. With such a powerful system in place to keep body fat mass in a narrow range, a major departure from that range implies that the system isn’t functioning correctly. In other words, obesity has to result from a defect in the system that regulates body fat, because a properly functioning system would not have allowed that degree of fat gain in the first place. So yes, we are gaining weight because we eat too many calories relative to energy expended. But why are we eating too many calories? Because the system that should be defending a low fat mass is now defending a high fat mass. Therefore, the solution is not simply to restrict calories, or burn more calories through exercise, but to try to “reset” the system that decides what fat mass to defend. Restricting calories isn’t necessarily a good solution because the body will attempt to defend its setpoint, whether high or low, by increasing hunger and decreasing its metabolic rate. That’s why low-calorie diets, and most diets in general, typically fail in the long term. It’s miserable to fight hunger every day. So, how do you “reset” the system? How do you train your body to start burning stored body fat? One word: ketosis. Ketosis is the state that your body enters into when it starts converting stored fat into ketones to use as fuel for your cells. If you eat plenty of carbohydrates, you will never enter into ketosis. Instead, your body will simply use all that glucose as a fuel. Is Ketosis Dangerous? Ketosis has earned a bad name, though. For one thing, your body enters a ketogenic state when it starts starving itself. But if you’re eating plenty of calories and sticking to a nutrient-dense diet, you need not fear starvation. Ketogenesis doesn’t destroy muscle tissue, but is rather the process by which stored fat is turned into ketones — a perfectly usable energy source for every major body system. Others object to ketosis because it gets confused with ketoacidosis, a dangerous state in which the body not only becomes ketogenic, but also causes the blood to become too acidic. If you’re still getting your limited carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, you need not fear ketoacidosis. From Mark’s Daily Apple: Finally, ketogenic diets, which are generally lumped together by critics, have gotten a lot of bad press. While experts have generally recognized their effectiveness for weight loss, very low carb diets that result in ketosis (like the Atkins) have been criticized on health grounds. The problem with these criticisms? They’re based on diets that allow for 20 grams or less of carbohydrates a day. While I believe we are not meant to run primarily on carbohydrate energy, I do believe we depend on the nutrients offered by low carb vegetables and even some low glycemic fruits. A diet of 20 carbohydrate grams simply can’t allow for the plentiful intake of nutrient-rich vegetables. When your carb intake is low enough, say 50-80 grams a day, ketosis kicks in when it needs to. Over time, this process becomes efficient as the body “unfolds” in its genetic expression. Yet this carb intake is high enough that you can freely include copious amounts of nutrient- (including potassium) rich vegetables to offer the body sufficient nutrition, fiber, and alkalizing minerals. In other words, when you cut your carbohydrate intake to 50-80 grams per day and still include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet, then your body can safely enter into ketosis when it needs to. Once you’re at your desired weight and you don’t hope to lose anymore body fat, then sticking to anywhere between 100-150 grams of carbohydrates per day will help you maintain your new body fat setpoint. The glory of thinking this way is that you absolutely never have to count calories! In fact, you probably don’t even have to count grams of carbohydrates. Just avoid grains, sugars, and sweet fruits. If you start craving those foods, eat more saturated fat from traditional sources like ghee, coconut oil, tallow, and lard. (I swear this works!) 
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: khendy redya
Ohh, pantesan ini, 3minggu diet kalori, cm laper, tp berat ga turun.. tp setiap diet pasti ada resikonya ya.. tinggal bagaimana mengimbangi dg nutrisi yg lain.. oke, terimakasih infonya pak khandy, kh4riz.. 
2016년 08월 9일 작성이: shaviradap
Diet membatasi kalori tidak ampuh kalo untuk orang yg obesitas karena org yg obesitas nafsu makan nya tinggi tapi kalau yg benar2 tekatnya tinggi berani tahan lapar ya bisa ampuh tapi buat saya, saya ga bisa melakukan itu dan sudah mencoba beberapa kali dan gagal makanya saya research lagi sampai ketemu lchf diet ini makan kalau lapar ga ngitung2 kalori hanya menjaga asupan karbohidrat dibatasi kalau masalah serangan jantung kolesterol tinggi dll wallahualam deh saya ga mau takabur yang pasti saya melihat bukan saya sendiri yg melakukan ini ada banyak org yg sudah berhasil dan menjadikannya sebagai lifestyle jadi bukan hanya buat program mdnurunkan berat badan saja tapi biasanya utk lifestyle karbohidratnya tidak strict dan tetap tidak makan dari tepung, kentang umbi2an nasi dll...... Pilih diet yg terbaik buat kamu cek dan recek yg sudah berhasil apalagi yg ada success story benar2 dari mereka bukan promosi produk yah 
2016년 08월 10일 작성이: khendy redya
Saya ga obesitas pak, hahah..BMI nya normal sebenarnya, tp paha sm betis saya gede bgt, jd kyk ga proporsional.. kalo untuk masalah spt ini, kira2 apa saran buat saya ya? 
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: shaviradap
Saya bukan penasehat gizi dan nutrisi yah hehe tapi coba aja olahraga lari, berenang, atau bersepeda sama banyakin asupan proteinnya 
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: khendy redya
@shavira sama kak paha betis ku jg gede susah bgt ngecilin ... @khendy kak mau nanya ,kalo bb turun kemungkinan paha betis bisa kecil sendiri apa enggak ya? 
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: maya001may
@shavira sama kak paha betis ku jg gede susah bgt ngecilin ... @khendy kak mau nanya ,kalo bb turun kemungkinan paha betis bisa kecil sendiri apa enggak ya? 
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: maya001may
@maya mungkin emg kurang aktivitas kaki ya kita.. aku jg banyakan duduknya.. ini mulai rutinin aerobik tiap habis subuh, sm gerakin kaki kyk ngayuh sepeda sbelum tidur, maklum pagi-kerja, jd ga sempet olahraga yg lain 
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: shaviradap
@maya mungkin emg kurang aktivitas kaki ya kita.. aku jg banyakan duduknya.. ini mulai rutinin aerobik tiap habis subuh, sm gerakin kaki kyk ngayuh sepeda sbelum tidur, maklum pagi-kerja, jd ga sempet olahraga yg lain 
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: shaviradap
Kalo kecil sendiri kayaknya ga mungkin, :( harus ngebakar lemak2 di daerah situ.. 
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: shaviradap
@maya mungkin emg kurang aktivitas kaki ya kita.. aku jg banyakan duduknya.. ini mulai rutinin aerobik tiap habis subuh, sm gerakin kaki kyk ngayuh sepeda sbelum tidur, maklum pagi  
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: shaviradap
Setahu saya terserah tubuh mau ambil sumber energi darimana tapi biasanya sih perut dulu baru kebagian2 lain imho kalau kamu ga obesitas jgn cutting calory karena nanti bisa buat metabolisme turun malah ga bakar lemak coba kamu sering aja makan tapi porsinya kecil kecil misal yg penting bukan makan makanan yg buat insulin naik tajam kaya nasi diganti nasi merah dll terus kamu sekali2 puasa jgn sahur atau jgn makan lsg aja puasa samapai malam trus makannya jgn buas hehehe porsi kecil aja kamu stop minuman manis mau itu pocari sweat you c 1000 dll  
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: khendy redya
Kalo paha betis gede karan dulu terlalu sering beraepeda gmn 
2016년 08월 11일 작성이: lanysyahyana16



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