LooseButtons님의 저널, 2024년 04월 12일

7lb gain in fourteen days...
Ugh!! 😫
Hadn't bothered to record my weight cuz it was way up due to several outings in succession at Burger King, Olive Garden with leftovers and then Chinese with leftovers for two days...
The common denominator for all is salt, so the scale went up for a week or so..
It'll probably be at least another week before I get back to a starting point anywhere near equal to what I was before the binging started.
104.4 kg 지금까지 감소한: 29.4 kg.    남은양: 16.0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2024년 04월 12일:
1774 kcal 지방: 109.31g | 단백질: 113.91g | 탄수화물: 79.19g.   아침 식사: El Monterey Egg, Sausage & Cheese Burrito, Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Vanilla, Great Value Hazelnut Coffee Creamer, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds), Great Value Powdered Creamer, Aquafina Water (16.9 oz). 점심 식사: Turkey Breast Meat . 저녁 식사: Stouffer's Classics Macaroni & Cheese, Wal-Mart Rotisserie Chicken. 더보기
주 1.6 kg 증가하기

6명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

You'll get back on track! Thanks for sharing 
2024년 04월 12일 작성이: crazy4donuts
Been there !!! The weight will come off, but like both of us know,...it takes a little time. 
2024년 04월 12일 작성이: Bionici



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