Phattucci님의 저널

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2011년 12월 10일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
123.8 kg 41.7 kg 33.1 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 3.7 kg 감소하기

2011년 12월 4일

YAY! Today is my bubba's CAKE DAY & I celebrated with him last night with what I'm calling a "single carbup day." Yes, I've been doing a little study about those dreaded-but-obviously-necessary cheat days & I've decided to do what the the "muscle heads" do & EMBRACE it as a needed thing for ONE day and then go low-NO carb the very next day... Ok so, I have yet to "hit the cardio" so no, it's not quite the same but...I finally GET IT! ONE day is all I need to celebrate special occasions. I get it, I really do. I gained A pound. A pound. That is in itself, MONUMENTAL because after all of my previous "carbup" days, I did NOT weigh myself out of shame & disgust. That shame & non recognition of what my weight is actually doing had me USUALLY spiraling downward & out of control for another day...or two. But not this time. I'm happy to take that ONE pound & that ONE meal & then that ONE day of recovery. I'm actually happy to take that pound back for a loved one because now I know how to easily get rid of it again. Thank you Lord. :)
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
127.0 kg 38.6 kg 36.3 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.2 kg 증가하기

2011년 11월 29일

I decided to start over after gaining 10 lbs over the last 2 weeks. *sigh!* I have new motivation and today being the first day back on the ultra low-carb diet, I'm feeling kinda good. I had lost track of setting some real solid and honest-to-goodness weight loss goals (I don't think I had been seriously on the grind since my PaPa's birthday celebration on Oct 1st so...) but I'M BACK ON THAT THANG! 260 before I hit-up Houston for Christmas and 250 by the time I see my BooBear in mid January... I can do this- oh, I am also starting with a personal trainer in December so I am extra excited about that... I just want to keep it going, keep moving towards my goal, and I think that once I hit my January goal, I won't pre-occupy myself with how quickly or steady I lose weight but that I am still losing all the way up until I'm solidly under 200. I just don't want to gain weight (like I did THIS time)and I think that once I really decide that it is ok to lose 1-2 lbs a week, then I'll really be ok with upping my carb intake to 40-50carbs a day. Right now I still go ultra low staying right around 20-25 grams of carbs a day and increased amounts of dietary fiber (I'm finding that to be muay important.) Again, I am excited to bump my carbs up... eventually and slide or ease towards my goal weight... but let me hit that thang HARD this last time... for the next month and a half. Please? ;)

2011년 11월 16일

OMG! THE SCALE MOVED! ...and I am still having to FORCE myself to eat when I am at home. I'm Snacky-Kathy at work with my pistacio nuts & sf butter cookies BUT I have been VERY good to limit my snacks to ONE serving. I'm proud of that fact alone. :) I have asked one of my students in the personal trainer and fitness program at my school to train me, THE EASY WAY. lol I just need to be accountable to someone who knows something about exercising, it's benefits, the right motivational skills to keep on track. So, I am excited to get that started very soon. I have nixed the idea of going to CURVES because, honestly, I really dislike driving. I live 5 minutes away from work and its excellent workout facilities so I figured that would simply be a waste of money...and time. I also have yet to break the seal on my callenetics dvd- I know, I know. It's the whole my-home-is-in-disarray thing. I have tried to do piece work on it, put myself on schedule, etc. IF THERE IS ANYONE OUT THERE WHO CAN GIVE ME ANY KIND OF TIPS, ADVICE OR JUST A FEW WORDS OF WISDOM ON HOW TO ATTACK THE MESS THAT IS MY HOME, I WOULD BE FOREVER GRATFUL! Seriously. Please?
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
126.6 kg 39.0 kg 35.8 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 3.2 kg 감소하기

2011년 11월 14일

Well, I did hit a plateau that was the culmination of my ever dwindling appetite, my time-of-the-month, & my newly-apparent psychological issue with starting an exercise regiment OR SOMETHING! My weight jumped up a little because of my cycle & my appetite kind of did more going than coming & I just didn't eat. Still not carving out a time to start exercising because my home is in disarray. I know the connection is hard to see but it is the truth. So, yes, I'm 281...still.*sigh!* Oh well, good thing I pad my weight loss feelings would really be hurt, really devastated if I didn't believe in & do everything possible to help ensure that they are met...They aren't cheating. They are strategy....A failure-yes, a setback to alter the time tables but time is a constant, not a variable when it comes to weight loss. Time will pass whether you use it or not, get it right...or not. This brief impasse is a part of the very foundation as to WHY my victory will be so immensely sweet. ;) ... Did a couple of indulgent days to shake-up/wake-up my metabolism & I'm back at it tomorrow...eating like I SHOULD.
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
127.5 kg 38.1 kg 36.7 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 안정된 체중

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