N.S.Calitz님의 저널

3중 1에서 3

2024년 01월 28일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
60 kg 0 kg 2 kg 합리적

2023년 06월 1일

Hi! My nickname is Nicole. I'm from Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
My life revolves around developing the best possible mindset for a productive life and possessing the ideal body. I'm very fond of plant and animal life - being surrounded by fresh natural scenes gives me inner joy and pleasure. I prefer to stay away from cooking and away from the kitchen, because I'm severely short tempered and have little patience for people.
I lost my biological mother to suicide on the 17th of May 2023. It was shocking news and crushed my emotional stability, because I became heartbroken, hopeless and sorrowful. This tradgedy as well as a high-stress night job I had lead me to increase food consumption as a defense mechanism. I'm a natural mesomorph so most of my weight supports muscle growth in my legs and torso - leading to strength increase.
It was a huge disappointment to me. Because I love my body, heart, mind and soul and didn't mean for things to get so chaotic.
Anyway, I will miss my mom - she was the best chef ever. I quit my job, because I found that it is other people who trash your body and who have no respect for you. It hurts. But I will survive.

2022년 11월 25일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
65.5 kg 0 kg 12.5 kg 합리적

N.S.Calitz님의 체중기록

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