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2015년 05월 29일

Miracle Morning: Day 4!!

Wow, already day 4!! I'm pretty excited about that. Not usually do i stick with something for this long but it's feeling great.

This morning i woke up later than i had planned, as i don't have any meetings until 1pm, so i gave myself a bit longer to sleep as i think my body was getting used to waking up at 6am the past two days. I know that it's all about my mindset as to how much sleep i actually need to function at the best, however with the working out i think my body was craving some extra sleep as i fell asleep on the couch early last night. I will however mention, that i really enjoy getting up at 6 vs 8 because it's so much quieter outside and it just feels like i've got a jump start on the day. Waking up at 8 makes me feel like i'm already behind and i know the e-mails and phone calls are already piling up.

Anyway, enough about sleeping, that's not what this is all about!! :) I did 5 minutes each again this morning of silence, affirmations and visualizations. I'm still wanting to improve on these some more.

I then did 20 minutes of reading (which i still absolutely love and i'm going to be able to get through so many more books this way). Right now i'm reading the Art of Tidying. It's really great. My house is already really neat and tidy but this takes it to a whole new level.

I then did Day 3 of Insanity Max 30. Holy Cow!!! Today was "Sweat Intervals" and man-o-man, i'm still sweating!!! It is pretty intense cardio and i kept telling myself again that the harder i pushed the more results i would see. I would say that i'm doing a little more than half of the actual moves and modifying for the rest. I think that's pretty darn good for day 3 and i'm not going to let it get me down or feel like i'm not making a huge accomplishment.

Today i'm grateful for sticking with my schedule. For not giving up. I will accomplish great things and each day more and more will come.

2015년 05월 28일

Miracle Morning: Day 3!!

Wahoo!! 3 days in and i'm feeling great. I'm losing weight quicker because i'm actually fully aware that every action i take will have either a positive or negative benefit towards getting me to a Level 10 life!

One of the quotes i keep thinking about is Living Life with Intention. Every movement, thing i eat, decision i have, though that crosses my mind can either take me in the direction of happiness and success or depression and feelings of failure.

Today i took another step in the right direction!

I woke up again at 6:07 and got out of bed quicker than i did yesterday. That's great! I need to put my alarm clock across the room so i actually have to get out of bed. I do admit that brushing my teeth right after i get up is really helping to wake me up (I also splash a little cold water on my face at the same time). Then i head downstairs, make coffee, drink my cup of water and feed the cats. By this time i'm not even thinking about going back to bed which is great.

This morning i cut down my silence & affirmation time. I knew i was going to be a bit rushed this morning so i did 5 minutes of silence, affirmations and visualizations. I need to work more on the affirmations and visualizations. I need more structure as i feel my mind wandering a lot more than i think it should be.

Then i did 20 minutes of reading which I LOVE!!! I'm getting so much done in a focused timeframe. I love it!!

Then i did day two of Insanity Max 30. Yay me!! It felt a lot easier today than yesterday. There were times when i wanted to quit, as my legs were killing me, but i kept telling myself that the harder i pushed the more results i would see. And that's ultimately what i want of course. I want to be able to see the benefits of hard work and live a Level 10 life. So every action i take needs to be in the direction of getting me there.

Anyway, Day 3 in the bag. It does feel like i've been doing this a lot longer than that. Oh well, i'll be doing it forever so no need to really focus on the time frame.

Grateful for having the ability to make this huge change in my life!

2015년 05월 27일

Day 2: Miracle Morning

Well, i for the most part did everything i wanted to this morning!! I set my alarm for 6am and got out of bed around 6:07 (which is pretty darn good for me!). I thought about going back to sleep and then i kept remembering what i told myself the night before. Every day IS my life. I can't keep thinking about this image of myself where i want to be if i'm not going to work on getting there EVERY SINGLE day!!

I want to live a Level 10 life every day and stop living a mediocre existence.

Anyway, i got up, fed the kitties, made a cup of coffee and settled in for my meditation. I opened the window slightly to feel the cool morning air and listen to the outside sounds of the quiet morning. I remember thinking to myself how cool it is that i'm up before so many people and getting my day started. Wahooo!!

So there i was, doing my meditation, putting my phone in airplane mode and setting the timer. 10 minutes of meditation, 10 minutes of affirmations outloud, 5 minutes of visualization, 20 minutes of reading, 33 minutes of exercise and now about 5 minutes of writing.

I feel amazing!!! I can't wait to do this again tomorrow!!

Time for the shower and then starting the day. :)
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
95.4 kg 5.3 kg 25.1 kg 100%
   댓글달기 주 0.1 kg 감소하기

2015년 05월 26일

Miracle Morning - Day 1!!

So i recently heard about a book called "the miracle morning" and though i've always wanted to be productive in the morning, it's never worked because i've always said i'm not a morning person. Well, yesterday i bought the kindle version of the book and read through it all in one day. I did all of the steps that it said to take and read my nightly affirmation about how i would wake up the next day (more on that later).

Well, two things went wrong this morning but i didn't let them stop me from getting started on MM day one. First thing, i decided to keep sleeping. It was so weird because when my alarm went off this morning i felt great. I wanted to get up. I don't actually even know why i kept sleeping. I will do better on that tomorrow!!

The second thing i didn't start my workout program this morning. But that's not that big of a deal. I'll get it started tomorrow...

So, i'm really really happy with myself right now. I did my morning meditation, affirmations, visualizations, reading, writing and exercise. I went for a super short walk because now i'm all rushed (as usual), however i feel accomplished because usually i'd be rushed but wouldn't have accomplished anything. This morning i've set my mindset up for a successful day and here i go!

The book tells me i should write about things i'm grateful for. Today i'm grateful for the opportunity to change my life. To have the ability to make the changes i need to to live a "Level 10 Life".

The quote i keep thinking about goes something like every single one of us has in one hand the desire to be happy and in the other hand, all of the tools and "knowhow" to be happy. We all say we are to busy to be happy. Well, what are we busy doing? Trying to be happy.

Sheesh! Well, onto another full day of success and feeling awesome. I can do this and i'm really looking forward to tomorrow morning!!!

2015년 05월 14일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
95.7 kg 5.0 kg 25.4 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.0 kg 증가하기

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